~Chapter 2~

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The day went by really quickly. I passed every event and came 3rd on the leader board. That Midoriya kid had a heart attack because he thought he would be getting expelled. And he broke his fingers. It was intense. Bakugou kept getting pissed at me, not sure why. I guess it's because he thinks my quirk is more powerful than his? I mean that's what Ashido said.

After our practical class with Aizawa, we did basic compulsory classes with other teachers all of whom I knew. The work wasn't overly hard but it definitely was a challenge to at least half the class. Most of them groaned when we were told we had English. "This is the Hero Course we should be doing hero stuff not learning another language." Kaminari did have a point, but it's still school.

The bell went and I noticed a message from an unknown number.


Hey Namari-chan its me, Midorya! Whenever your ready you can send me your quirk info. And would it be

Alright if I add you to a class group chat Ashido made?


Uh sure and give about half an hour to get home.

I saved his contact in my phone as Midoriya so it was easy to know who was who. And before I could shut off my phone a notification alerted me that I was added to 'Class 1A chat'. "Great now my phones going to get blown up." I rolled my eyes before changing my shoes and grabbing my bag.

The bus leaves the station in 5 minutes and I was at least 10 minutes away from it so I willed my aching body to sprint. I made it there just in time and noticed the boy and his father from earlier. The urge to smile overcome me and I gave the boy a warm smile. He waved back before turning to his father in excitement. The bus ride home was filled with the boy smiling at me and my earphones blasting songs to calm my brain.

I grabbed my keys after tapping off the bus and opened the door. "Shota I'm home." A scrappy beard peeked around the corner from the kitchen, a small smile on his lips. "How was your first day?" I yawned and shooed him away with my hand, dragging my feet upstairs to my room. The LED lights running along my corners of my ceiling lit up purple and I collapsed onto my bed.

A knock sounded from my door and I rolled over to see Shota standing there with a plate of onigiri and yakitori. "I figured you'd be tires so I made your dinner early. Don't sleep in tomorrow, or ill make you do 10 push-ups in the hallway." He placed the plate on my desk before closing the door and heading back down to the kitchen. Shota had adopted me in after my parents died. He was my godfather making him the only eligible person to look after me legally. Like I said earlier, he's a teddy bear.

I turned on my computer and turned the volume up to 100%. My YouTube was littered with videos of my parents throughout their hero careers, but I wasn't feeling up to watching those today. So, I scrolled through my recommended until I found something of interest and began to eat. I finished up and went downstairs to washup. "You left your phone down here earlier, it's been going off constantly. Please don't tell me they added you to a group chat." Shota was lounging on the couch reading a book. "Yeah, Midoriya asked me first though. Speaking of him, I need to send him the info on my quirk." I placed the plate on the sink and reached for my phone.

Turning it on, I noticed 86 missed messages from the chat and 1 missed message from Midoriya.


Hey are you home yet? Not to be annoying but mum wants me in bed by 9.


Yeah, sorry I left my phone in the kitchen. My quirk allows me to become a ghost at will. So, I can move objects, become invisible, possess others, and communicate with the dead. And my eyes turn white when I use my quirk.


Oh, that's super cool. You definitely got your mother's quirk. Could I know what your drawbacks are?


Are you planning on taking down the hero population or something?


No, I would never. I was born quirk less and I got given a quirk by someone I met. I wanted to get to know about other people's quirks as a way to cope with not having one myself.


Oh, ok sorry. The only drawback is my body gets left behind so it is vulnerable to pretty much anything. And fighting multiple targets are a bit difficult.


Don't tell Kacchan that. If he knows how powerful you are he will be constantly competing with you for 1st place. But you have a really cool quirk, thanks for this! See you tomorrow Namari-chan!


Got it, avoid Bakugou. Night.

I quickly pressed onto the chat then turned off my phone, not bothering to read the messages. I turned off my ringer and got into bed, not caring to take off my uniform. Just as I was about to close my eyes, Shota yelled from his room. "Y/N remember to change out of your uniform! Keep it clean!" I huffed and got up to change then got back into bed and fell asleep.

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