~Chapter 1~

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"Pro hero's Shadow and Mind Bender have sadly passed away after suffering severe injuries in a fight against the LOV and their Nomu's. This leaves heroes and civilians alike to mourn over the tragic deaths of two of Tokyo's most loved protectors. This Saturday there will be a funeral held for all who are fans, family or friends of Kira and Tadashi Namari. May the beloved couple rest in peace, we thank you for all you've done- "I switched the TV off and threw the remote on the couch next to me.

After 9 years it still hurts to see my parent's face's. The grin my dad always wore when he defeated the villain, the soft glow in my mother's warm brown eyes. They stood so confidently just as I remembered, as if they were gods. All might may be Japan's number 1, but they were the worlds. And just as quickly as I came into the world, did they leave it.

Clips from civilians on the scene played through my mind. Shadow covered in a black fog, her eyes glowing white beneath her low hood. Nomu after Nomu dashing for her curvy figure. Ghost like figures shot out of the fog wrapping their long tendril like arms around the enemy, suffocating them. Mind Bender came sprawling onto the ground, thrown off the massive figure. He yelled at Shadow and before you could even blink, a foggy platform appeared beneath Mind Benders feet carrying him to the Nomu's head. The scrawny man pressed his fingers to the creature's brain. Silence, then a crash as the Nomu dropped dead.

Shaking my head, I removed the image from my mind and got up off the couch. I grabbed the hair tie off the bench as I strolled towards the bathroom, gently pushing the door open. My skirt came down to my knees, shirt tucked in with my beige jumper hugging my small figure. Black tights ran the length of my legs while the common Japanese school shoes covered my feet. I watched my reflection warily. My soft hair was tied up into space buns, long grown out strands framing my face. I finished fixing up the second bun before looking down at my wrist.

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath, rushing out of the bathroom and into my lounge room. I scooped up my bag from the bench, double checking I had my keys and my phone. Then I rushed towards the bus stop. My watch read 7:49. Relief spread through my body as I watched the bus drive towards me. I tapped on and sat up the back next to a father and his son. The little boy looked to be about 5-6 with elven ears poking out of his messy hair. His father had similar features, although a lot more eye-catching.

The apartments and houses sped past me as the bus made its way to each stop. About 3 stops from UA, the boy and his father rushed off towards a café. An attractive female exited the building and ran into the father's arms, the boy watching in delight. A smile spread across my tinted cheeks. Before I knew it, I was out the front of the UA high school, about to start my first day in the hero course.

The fear slowly started to make itself seen as I walked down the long concrete path. My hands shook and pulled at the jumper hugging my waist. The bag over my shoulder didn't even have to slip for me to adjust it, making sure I looked presentable. I took a deep breath as I looked at the large doors in front of me. A sign hung above it reading 'Class 1A', my new class.

Students mingled in the hallway, all oblivious to the loud explosions and yelling coming from the classroom in front of me. My instincts kicked in and I rushed to open the door only to find a blonde hedgehog looking guy creating little bursts of fire from his hands. The adrenaline rush disappeared as the boy and other students turned to look at me. "You can stop staring now." And with that the chaos resumed. I made my way to a desk at the back. More explosions came from the blonde boy as he stood on a table screaming. "I TOLD YOU FOUR EYES; I DON'T LISTEN TO YOU. I CAN PUT MY FEET ON ANY TABLE I LIKE!" Another boy with navy blue hair was cutting his arm in a razor like movement through the air, screaming right back at the hedgehog. "AND I TOLD YOU BAKUGOU IT IS DISRESPECTFUL TO THE SCHOOLS PROPERTY TO PUT YOUR FEET ON THE DESK."

~Hatred Heart~ (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now