~Chapter 7~

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~This chapter will have some POV changes but nothing to confusing. Also I'm not the best at writing fight scenes so sorry if its really bad.~

Shota gave us a run down of the mission before sorting us into our mission groups. Everyone's names were called out and I was left in group two with Midoriya, Jirou, Mineta, Uraraka, Asui and Bakugou. The other teams went off as we figured out our plan. "We should use quirks and who we work best with to our advantage. Kero." Asui was dressed in a full body suit decorated in bright green and black. She crouched next to Jirou as she spoke. "I agree Tsu. Based on what I've learnt about everyone's quirks and relationships, I can come up with individual teams to scout and find the civilian."

Midorya had on a smiling green bunny suit with oversized white gloves. His signature red shoes adorned his feet. We nodded in unison and turned our full attention to Midorya. "Jirou you go with Tsu and Mineta for..." He trailed off staring at the punk costume Jirou had on, and the weird diaper Mineta had for a costume. "...obvious purposes. "Search the top floors. Jirous hearing will be able to pick up more from higher up and both Tsu and Mineta have quirks that will allow them to go around the outside of the building if need be." The first team nodded and rushed into the building.

"I'll go with Uraraka. Our quirks combined can help move any debris on the lower floors from the buildings collapse." Uraraka's cheeks somehow got redder but she nodded enthusiastically. She held her fists in front of her white and pink bubbly costume. "And Y/N, Bakugou, your quirks are well combined. Bakugous explosions can move any objects, and Y/N's ghost form can help to move and locate the civilian." I looked to Bakugou and noticed him stiffen but he kept his composure and nodded.

A faint yell sounded from the top of the building signalling Jirou and the others had made it to the top. Midorya signalled for her to listen to what he was about to say. "You will most likely come across the other teams so listen carefully. This is a contest so be sure to avoid them as best as you can. If you need help, call out for Jirou and she will signal someone on our team to assist. The others may fight you so watch out. Also, our civilian dummy has been labelled with a green tag. The others are purple and red so make sure not to grab them. Remember, this is a race, both against time and the other teams so do your best!" He shouted the last part earning a squeal from Jirou. She pulled her earphone jacks out from the ground and gave Midorya a thumbs up.

We returned the gesture before heading off to our assigned levels. Me and Bakugou took the steps up to the 5th floor and began our search. Because Jirou would be constantly situated on the roof, we went there first so I could activate my quirk. "Jirou, I need you to look after my body while I activate my quirk. Get mineta to cover it in his sticky balls to protect it from damage, he can remove them when the mission is over." She looked wearily at Mineta but slowly nodded. "Y/N wont activating your quirk this early tire you?" I shook my head. "Going into my ghost form does nothing to tire me. It simply means I am able to use the other aspects of my quirk, those are the ones that can drain my energy."

Jirou nodded in understanding and pointed to Mineta to get over to me. I closed my eyes and let my body relax and fall into a state of sleep. I felt the air turn cold before becoming the perfect temperature. I took that as my signal to 'wake up' and I slowly opened my eyesLooking around I noticed everyone with their backs to my body, all except Mineta who was subtly touching my peaceful body. He would touch a part of my body then stick on a ball, before repeating. Drool ran down his chin as his tiny hands caressed my chest, except he wasn't placing down any of his sticky balls. I shivered as I watched, to shocked to say anything. Mineta ran his hands over my chest before letting one hand drift down to my lower stomach. He inched it lower before being scooped up by the shirt by an angry Bakugou.

His voice was quiet, different than id ever heard it.

"How dare you touch a girl's body like that. Hell, how dare you touch anyone's body. You better watch your back or I'm going to blast your puny body up to the fucking sun you got that?" The blondes voice was deep and angry. He wasn't shouting like normal, but instead, whispering into the small boy's face menacingly. The purple haired boy stared up at Bakugou before gulping and speaking. "Why would you care if I touched Y/N'th body? You like her or thomething? Cauthe if I touched your girl then ill back away man, theriouthly I promithe." Bakugou threw Mineta to the ground before turning in a huff and walking over to Jirou.

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