~Chapter 9~

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I woke up to silence. My head ached and I felt like I'd been hit by a bus. My hands and legs were tied to a chair and a man stood in the shadows of the room. I could briefly see his medium hair, his posture terrible and slouched beyond any normal person. His red eyes reflected the bright ceiling lamp making them the only clear part of him I could see.

"Ahh, I see your awake cousin. Good to finally meet you." The man's voice was high pitched and sounded psychotic. He stepped out of the shadows revealing a dry chapped face and shoulder length ratty hair. His whole look screamed insane.

I subtly tugged at the chains around my wrists, they were tight. I tried to activate my quirk but before I could move the man's hand was around my throat. He kept his pinkie finger pointed away, careful not to touch my skin. "I wouldn't move if I were you. You wouldn't want to know what happens when all my fingers touch your throat." I swallowed lightly and leaned slightly back.

"Your skin will burn and wither to the bone. Your nerves will feel like they are on fire. It'll slowly move from your throat to your chest and face, spreading. You'll feel like your being slowly torn apart by acid dipped knives. Eventually your bones will disintegrate leaving nothing but your ashes." His face moved closer and closer to mine until our noses were inches apart. "You'll be dead within twenty minutes, but it will feel like MUCH longer."

The hand around my throat tightened ever so slightly before returning to the man's side. "But I would never do that to my dear cousin." He pulled an obviously fake sympathetic smile and went behind my chair. His hands snaked over my shoulders allowing him to lean into my ear. A wide grin spread across his face as he whispered. "I'm Tomura Shigaraki by the way." He pulled away and returned to the edge of the shadows.

"Why am I here? What do you want?" I tried to keep my voice stable but a voice crack broke of my words. "Because, I'm here to look after you cuz. Now that Aunty and Uncle are dead and your beginning training with your quirk, you can join the League and help us take down those stupid fucking heroes. They think they own the world because they have cool, flashy quirks. But in reality, they risk their lives for nothing. No one needs them. They strike pain and loss in the hearts of everyone."

I watched as his features turned angry. "You've lost someone. I get it, being a hero hurts others but they risk their lives for our safety. Why would you want to sentence everyone to death over a lost loved one? Your angry and hurting I get that- ""YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL!" I shifted back in my seat. "We may be related but that won't stop me from killing you. Now you are to stay still until the heroes arrive. They've sent a group of heroes to come and 'rescue you'- "He made a quotation mark motion with his hands. "-and scouts have told me a group of 1A students has snuck out to conduct their own rescue mission."

His cold face turned into a knowing smirk. "So, I'm bait. You're going to kill the heroes, and my friends are just an added bonus." Shigaraki nodded. "You sick bastard. How could you kill a bunch of teenagers for fun? Is this just for fun? So, your sad life can finally have some sort of fucking meaning?" As I took a breath to continue, he darted forward, hand outstretched to my face. All his fingers grabbed hold of my forehead.

"Your smarter than I thought. Anyway, they just arrived, time to leave them a present." The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Shigaraki's sickening grin.

~ Art by @1_moo_~

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