𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒 ~Ot3~

Start from the beginning

-next day-
Andy waited for Brook outside the school's gates with a book in his hands.
"What are you reading?" Brook asked once he got closer.
"Something for English...I don't even know what it is but it's boring as fuck"
Brook chuckled at his friend's comment and dragged him inside.

Apparently, Jack was back by Sonny's side and as Andy said the previous day, no one dared to stare at them for too long, almost like if they did they would turn into dust.
Brook said bye to Andy, walked to his locker avoiding Sonny and went straight to class.
"I'm gonna give you guys a project to do which will be 70% of your final mark. The pairs can not be changed" their history teacher explained and started to list all the couples.
Brook froze in his seat when he heard the name of who he was gonna be paired with...Sonny...what was he supposed to do now?
Andy told him not to get in between but the universe was not helping him.
He just prayed that Jack wouldn't kill him, it's not like it was his fault.
As soon as the bell rang, Brook rushed out of class to avoid Sonny or Jack but he forgot that Sonny's locker is right next to his.
"Shit" he thought when he saw Sonny leaning on the lockers.
"Hey Brook!" He said happily and Brook stood still with his gaze fixed on the insides of his locker.
"You ran away right after class and I needed to talk to you about the project..." Sonny started then Jack approached them.
Brook stiffened and was ready for the worse but...
"What project?" His boyfriend asked unbothered.
"Oh hi, babe. Me and Brook have to do a history project so I invited him to our place to do it" Sonny replied with a smile.
Brook was scared of Jack's reaction.
But wait...they live together?
Brook wanted to say no, wanted to say that he's busy or something but Jack eyed him carefully then agreed with Sonny's idea.
"Yeah, I'll be nice" he simply said still looking at Brook that looked like a scared puppy.
"Well, after school we'll go home together" Sonny ended then left hand in hand with Jack.
Brook needed to talk to Andy or else he would start panicking.

"They what?!?" The other boy asked shocked.
"I told you...they just invited me and I didn't know what to say...what was I supposed to do, I couldn't say no" now the blonde boy started to panic.
"Ok, calm down. I mean...nothing bad can happen if they invited you. Jack can be a bit intimidating but I'm sure he's not an asshole" Andy reasoned and maybe he was right.
"So I should go?"
"Yep. Also, I want you to tell me everything when you'll be back" Andy grinned at him and Brook rolled his eyes.
The guy was too obsessed with gossip.

-at Sonny's house-
The drive to Sonny's house was dead silent.
No one said a word and even tho Brook was slightly uncomfortable, for the 2 lovers it was perfectly normal.
Sonny's house was huge and it looked like a castle, Brook wouldn't be surprised to find a personal butler or thousand maids in there.
"Well, just make yourself comfortable and if you need anything just ask" Sonny said putting his bag on the floor at the entrance.
The furniture inside was super expensive and luxurious, Brook didn't dare to touch anything too scared to break something.
Jack plopped himself on the sofa while Sonny went somewhere.
The living room was full of pictures of Sonny when he was little and even of his parents but Andy never mentioned Sonny's mom.
"She died when I was 10..." a voice said behind Brook.
He turned around and met Sonny's soft eyes.
"She made this place feel like home...my dad doesn't really care about me but thank God I have Jack" the raven boy said while fixing his gaze on his boyfriend.
"You two have been together for long?" Brook asked quietly.
"3 years...since the beginning of high school..."
Brook nodded at the information.
"So...do you guys live here together?..." Brook asked carefully.
"Yep. My dad is always away and I can't stand being alone so Jack is my family now"
Brook didn't have the time to let the new information sink in that Sonny dragged him towards the sofa to join Jack.
They decided to watch a movie and Brook couldn't help but look at the couple next to him.
Jack looks like a bad boy it's just a cover cause when he's with Sonny he acts like a softie and Brook liked that part of Jack.
Maybe that's why he's so protective, he just cares a lot about Sonny.
Also, Brook couldn't help being jealous of what they had, he wishes he had someone to love...
"Are you ok?" Sonny's voice brought him back on earth.
Brook replied with a nod.
"If you're tired you can sleep, don't worry about it"
Brook didn't want to fall asleep there, they still had to do the project but he felt warm and sleepy on that couch so without even noticing it he closed his eyes.

𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 ~RoadTrip Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now