Chapter 6: Dash Down Main Street

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He stopped and looked at me. He looked like the hulk. "What do you mean you forgot to pack the clothes?" Levi shouted at me. "I don't know, I was in a rush! You only gave me ten minutes to grab everything!" I shouted back. "Well, how in the hell are we going to dress this fire hydrant?" Levi said shaking his head. I stared at him waiting for him to shout out an idea. Slowly a smile spread across his face. "Take off your clothes." "Don't you think you should buy me dinner first." I said with a smile. Then it clicked why he was asking me too. 

"Oh no, HELL NO! Levi, I am not stripping in the street!" "It's not stripping, just take off your top and shorts. You can keep on your granny panties and training bra." He started laughing. "Haha, not funny! I'm wearing a thong, look lets make a deal. You take off your pants and I will take off my shirt, even?" I smiled and quickly pulled down his pants. "Since you're already half way there." I smirked. 

I looked down at Levi's boxers. They had dancing bananas all over. I began laughing and couldn't stop. "Shut up Wave, hurry up and show off your  training bra." Levi laid his pants on the ground and rested the top half on the hydrant, making it look like it was sitting. I quickly took off my top and pulled it over top the hydrant. I swiped Levi's baseball cap and positioned it on backwards.

 "Hey! That's my lucky hat." Levi grumbled. "Sh, it's just for the photo, you can take it off after,"  I said. I snapped a photo and took a video of Levi pantless. I turned the video to me and waved. 

Just as I was posting them a tourist started making a scene. "I have children here! Get some clothes on." A tourist was proceeding to cover her children's eyes. "Wave don't say a word! Let's just make a dash for the jeep." Levi pleaded grabbing my arm. "Okay, fine," I said shaking his hand off my arm. 

"You teenagers are all the same. No regard for anyone, always parading around like you own the place." The women wouldn't shut up. I turned around to give her a piece of my mind. "Calm your tits lady! We're basically in bathing suits!" I shouted at her. "Excuse me, young lady! How about we go get the cops. I'm sure you won't be so mouthy with a public indecency charge." The women began walking towards us. 

"You better start running now before we have an angry mob of tourists!" Levi grabbed my hand and broke into a run. As we ran down the street I noticed a bunch of people looking at us. Oh god, I knew half these people. I silently prayed no one would rat me out to my dad. When we finally reached the car Levi hopped in the front seat. I had no time to argue considering the women was hot on our asses. I let out a sigh of relief and realized Levi hadn't started driving. 

"Uh, are you going to start the car?" I asked looking at him. "Well, I would if I had the keys." I gave him a panic-stricken look. "Where are they?" I asked. "In my pants back there" He shook his head and pointed towards the way we came. He shook his head and then gave me the dirtiest look. "If you had just packed clothes and shut up none of this would have happened!" Levi yelled in my face. I was tired of him yelling and being rude to me. 

"Oh because you're so perfect! First, you bug me about Liam, now it's suddenly my fault you couldn't remember MY keys. The ones you fought so hard to get.  I don't know what crawled up your ass but don't be rude to me!" After I was done yelling I just stared at him. 

"What crawled up my ass was you. I thought we were getting somewhere, but you're just as I suspected." "Oh, really and what is that?" I rolled my eyes. This seemed to only fuel him more. "A spoiled rich girl, who has a fit when she doesn't get her way. You believe you can do no wrong in this world, and never apologize for anything." Levi stared hard at me. Something inside me snapped and I suddenly lost the urge to fight back. I let out a small laugh.

 "You couldn't be more wrong." I shook my head and turned to look out the car window. 

 "Whatever, I'm the faster runner, so I will grab them. Just duck down low and avoid being seen." Levi hopped out of the car before I could reply. I watched as he used the others cars parked on the street for cover. I shook my head and ducked down. 

After five minutes Levi came crashing back into the car. He quickly hopped into the car. Without a word he started up the car and sped down the street.  I sat up and put on my seat belt.  I looked at him as sweat dripped down his face. Even though I was furious with him, I had to admit he looked hot all sweaty and out of breath. He looked like a hot cowboy, minus the fact he wasn't kind.  

You could cut the tense with a knife. I finally had enough and spoke. "And you say, I'm a reckless driver." I rolled my eyes. Probably not the best way to start a conversation after a fight.   "I'm driving like this for a reason." Levi kept his eyes on the road. "I had a reason, winning this." I gave him a pointed look. "I am trying to avoid getting caught by the cops, I believe I win." Levi gave me a smirk. "So where to next?" He gave me a heart stopping smile. 

"First, we need clothes. Second we need to go to a spa." I gave him an evil smile. Payback is a bitch.  

Across City Lines (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora