Start from the beginning

Theo took a large sip from his drink. "He hasn't come down yet, you know how long it takes for him to do his hair." He winked. "But Mila and Blaise are over there." He pointed to the couches.

"Right, I'll see you later." She smiled at him and made her way over to her friends.

Multiple people wished Athea a happy birthday when she passed them, some even stopping her to give her a friendly hug. It made Athea smile at the amount of people that were here today, it had her feeling special for once.

"You invited quite a lot of people, didn't you guys?" Athea plopped down in the seat next to Blaise, opposite Mila.

"I wanted everything to be perfect." Mila shrugged. "You deserve it, this is your night." Athea smiled at her and wondered what she did to earn such amazing friends.

"Hello, Blaise." Athea turned to see Luna Lovegood approach and kiss Blaise lightly on the cheek—his face lit up.

"Luna." He smiled and made space for her on the sofa. "I thought you said you couldn't come?"

"Yes, I was rather busy with my new paintings, but I finished them earlier than I thought. It seems to be breathing more than usual, quite strange." She smiled dazzlingly at him and turned to Athea and Mila "Hello, Athea, Mila."

"Hi, Luna." She sent her a warm smile and pushed aside her confusion at the blonde's words. "That dress is beautiful!"

Luna looked down and fiddled with the material, it was light blue, flowing down to her knees with flowers dangling from some spots. "Hm, yes, it's quite nice. You look very pretty, as well."

"Thank you."

"So, Lovegood." Mila sat up. "You seem to have our Blaise here completely whipped. How on earth did you tie him down?" She grinned and brought her drink to her lips as Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Well, he's quite fond of ropes, he's always enjoys being tied up-" Mila spit out her drink and stared at Luna with wide eyes. "-so it was pretty easy." She kept that sweet, innocent smile of her lips.

Blaise cleared his throat, his cheeks pink. "Luna, why don't we go grab some food." He intertwined their fingers and stood up.

"Happy birthday, Athea." Luna said and followed after Blaise.

It was silent. Then, "Wow." Mila muttered. "That was...unexpected."

Athea blinked at Blaise and Luna at the food table, Blaise was chuckling while Luna tried to feed him sweets. She thought about how odd they were together, but also how perfect they seemed together.


The night went smoothly, people continuously approached Athea to give her a present, compliment her on her looks and wish her the best. An hour into the night and she still hadn't seen Draco, no one had seen him apparently, it made her weary. People were getting more drunk by the minute, Mila was currently flirting with Pansy Parkinson, running her hand along the girl's knee while they both eyed each other with dark, heated looks. Athea wondered when Mila had stopped speaking with Hermione Granger.

Theo was speaking with someone in corner, the person was leaned against the wall and Athea caught a small glimpse of dark skin.

She huffed and stood up to go get a drink, growing more and more anxious that Draco hadn't shown up. Athea poured herself a cup of water, she hadn't drunk any alcohol tonight, not wanting to get drunk. She had just taken her first sip when someone moved next to her, their shoulders touched.

"Athea." Marcus Flint grinned at her with his twisted teeth. He looked her up and down. "The birthday girl, all dressed up for show." He smirked and poured himself a drink of Vodka.

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