"Good to know that you are making course material out of my misery." Milo follows mindlessly, trying not to show how holding hands with the older affected him.

"I already know what you saw," Malcolm whispers into Milo's ear from behind as he pushes him into the bedroom and locks the door. "I just wanted to give the two imbeciles something to occupy themselves with so we get to spend some time alone." He smile cheekly with his back against the door and Milo rolls his eyes.

"What? What do you mean you know? Why didn't you say so before! What is it?!" The human starts to ramble but he gets cut off by two fingers on his lips.

"I'm the Dark Warlock baby, I know everything I want to know." He shrugs, "You really think Elijah could know more than I?"

"Well, he is technically a doctor and a warlock... Duh." Milo rolls his eyes and slaps Malcolm's hand away from his.

"Don't underestimate me, it hurts my feelings." Malcolm fake pouts and pulls Milo against his chest.

"What you saw was a residue of magic in you, probably London's but I can't exactly pin my finger on it... Once we know the source and expell it, you won't be having any scares." He reassures him, making the boy nod in agreement and wiggle away from his arms.

"Your flat is practically empty." Milo constats after taking a look around the plain room, one double bed that was nicely done, beige sheets, no decorations whatsoever and one simple wooden closet. "Do you even live here.." Milo tries to hide his concern at the lack of furniture but Malcolm could read it all in his face.

"I often break everything when I'm practicing or just.... Angry, eventually I got tired of renewing furniture." He informs, walking around to open the window facing his bed.

"When we will be living together, you better not break anything inside the house because I'll definitely break your legs." Milo threatens as he inspects the dust on the closet's edges, not noticing how Malcolm froze at his words.

When we will be living together, he wants to live with us.

"Do you ever clean? I'm definitely making you do your share of chores, it's not the 50's and I won't be your housewife." Milo continues to talk while dusting off his hands.

By that point Malcolm was about to have a heart attack or a seizure, Milo was making all those plans about their future and their life together, making the older's heart beat frantically.

"I... I... Umm, actually, I wanted to give you something?" Malcolm finally starts operating after a minor dysfunction in his brain.

"I didn't know we got to the gift exchange stage..." Milo bites his bottom lip and watches Malcolm as he takes something from under his mattress.

A silver necklace, shaped like a half moon with weird cravings all around it. He doesn't ask Milo wether he likes it or not, and proceeds to put it around his neck.

"It's a protection spell, I know you hate it when I read your thoughts and I haven't been doing that since you said so... This prevents anyone else from entering your mind, including me." He speaks from behind and leans in to kiss his mate's ear and neck softly.

"Woah... Thanks, I love it, it's kinda edgy, and cool.. I bet it'd look cool with my outfits." Milo beams, looking down at the pendant which he held between his fingertips.

"I'm glad you like it." Malcolm smiles as Milo turns around to give him a thank you hug.

"I wish I had something to give you in exchange." Milo sighs as they pull away from the hug.

"There is no greater gift for me than being able to look at your eyes for every second of every passing day." Malcolm whispers as he cups the younger's face, holding it gently like some kind of delicate glass that would break under too much pressure.

"You are lucky you are handsome.." Milo's breathes fan over the taller man's lips as they are inches from crashing their lips together. "I would've cringed so bad if someone else said it." He concludes, eyes darting between his suitors' eyes and lips.

"Lucky me." Malcolm smirks, securing one arm around Milo's waist and pulling him tight against his chest.

"Lucky you..." Milo repeats hastly, gaze focused on the inviting lips, ready to stand on his toes and connect them to his when the door suddenly slams open.

"I think we have trouble." Toby pants by the doorframe, making Malcolm contemplate the idea of burning him alive for the interruption.

"What?" The warlock groans as Milo breaks from his arms and runs back into the living room.

As Malcolm follows them, he is surprised by a dozen of small puppies, frogs and fireflies entering his living room through the mirror.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" He hisses at the sight of more pets coming through and a panicked London by the mirror screwing spell after spell and demolishing his living room.

"He tried to do the same thing we see Victor do when he creates the portal but instead puppies started to show up and everytime we try to fix it, it gets worse." Toby explains as he holds one of the puppies in his arms.

"I can do magic!!" London beams from the other side of the room, seemingly unaffected by the that that he screwed up so bad that a lion cub and a tiger were walking around the tiny living room.

"Oh my God!!! I can totally get used to this!" Milo squeals as he runs after one of the frogs, trying to catch it desperately.

"What have I gotten myself into." Malcolm lifts his fingers, exasperated and ready to kill the animals and close the reverse portal that the stupid hybrid created but as he watched the three of them giggle like careless babies and run around the place with those warm smiles on their faces, he couldn't help his lips from twitching upwards.

"I won't help you clean up this mess." He announces before leaving them to it.

Milo who finally caught his frog rushes to thank London for it by kissing his cheek and the reverse portal suddenly closes.

Thus, they spend the rest of the evening naming their new pets and begging Malcolm to let them keep all of it.

To which he answered that they could, as long as it's not in his apartment, yet after seeing the look on Milo's face, he started considering options for buying a bigger house somewhere closer to New York... Just to see him smile that big.

After the big scare his baby had that morning, it was refreshing to see him smile like that. It was hard to admit, but the fairies were very useful at getting him to smile.

Yet, whenever he remembered Arrow's actions, something in him stirred. He swore to end that creature's life for daring to feed on his mate's soul.

It was rare for a vampire to transfer their fears to someone else when feeding on their souls, yet the jerk had the audacity to transfer all his pain and fright to the fragile human like he could handle it.

One simple drop of it almost frightened poor Milo to death and now, pay back was in the way.

Touch what's mine... And I'll break what's yours.

Malcolm smirks at the thought of revenge plan he had coming for the vampire, a plan that he had long ago set in motion and which includes two very gullible fairies.

"Malcolm, you're okay?" A very sweet, very innocent voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked at Milo who was petting his frog and looking at him with concern.

"Yeah..." His voice comes out as croaky and dry, "why?" He fakes a smile which comes out more a sinister sneer.

"You broke the glass in your hand..." The three of them are looking at him with genuine concern at the blood seeping out of his hand and that's when he realized that he has been contemplating his revenge plot for way too long.

"It's nothing baby..." He reassures while looking at the two fairies. "It's nothing."

Published: June 20th, 2021.

Another double update, I literally can't feel my wrists.BYE!!!


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