Tessa O' Connell & Cole Stone

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Welcome lovelies! I am going to rate both characters in the books and tell you about them from my personal experience and some extra stuff!


So, I read the book The Bad Boys Girl by JessGirl93. I realllllllly loved this book. I've read it multiple times and it's even more amazing EVERY time. Right now I am reading the sequel and it is also very awesome. The sequel is called, The Bad boys heart also by JessGirl93. Enough chit-chat lets get into it!

Cole Stone- 3 words to describe him-

You immediately think Cole is a big jerk, and his step-brother Jason(Jay) Stone is a saint. Then throughout the book, you fall in love with Cole and end up hating Jay with a passion.

Interview time!!!!!!!!

Me- Hello Cole, nice day isn't it? I'm going to ask you a few questions! I understand if you don't want to, but from what I've heard, Cole Grayson Stone is not a quitter. Lets go, shall we?

Cole- oh no Carlye, I am definitely NOT a quitter. I'm sensing you REALLY want to get to know me, who wouldnt?;) Let's get into these questions, shall we?

Me- Oh Cole! You are just the most adorable living creature! Don't worry, I'm not a stalker, not that you would mind girls stalking you. JK! Question 1: What most annoys you about Tessa?

- Oh, what annoys me about Tess, ey? Lets see... This is between you and me but, she is always telling me not to protect her. I'm just trying to, I don't know, help her? Anyways, she likes to be on her own and be independent and all that jazz, but I'm her Boyfriend! I love her, so it just comes naturally I guess.

Me- is that the sweetest thing I have ever read? My gosh, you guys make me wish I was in love...swoon. Anywho, Question 2: I don't mean to offend you, but on a scale of 1-10 how much do you hate red-head who we shall not name? Not Megan.

- I HATE her so much I would probably say 14! Anyone who hurts Tessie hurts me! Come on, I know all the girls love me, but seriously, red-head should really go away. But I guess it made Shortcake and I's relationship stronger along the way. Wow I sound like a girl! I swear I'm not a girl, ask my father.

Me- Cole Stone you make me want to sign up for Christian mingle.com right now! You are the the full package aren't you? Question 3: What about Tess turns you on?

Cole- When Tessie blushes... god, I die. She does it a lot, much to my enjoyment, but yeah blushing definitely. Ooh, also on Halloween darn did she look fine!

Me- Cole, Cole, Cole you are totally whipped. Let me just say that you 2 are really adorable! Last but not least, Question 4: Are you planning on having a future with our lovely Tessa? If so, how many kids do you want?

Cole- I most definitely see a future with MY lovely Tessa. I am going to wait a couple years to get married considering we are young, but I most definitely want kids too. I want 2-3 kids, 3 tops. I would name the girl, Vanessa and the boy Zach, if it were up to me, ( which it's not, it's up to Tessie) I really enjoyed this interview and thanks Carlye, it was fun. This makes me feel even more famous than I was before!

Me- no prob cole! I REALLY loved getting to know you! I gotta go interview your girlfriend, so wish me good luck!

Coles rate- 9.99 ;) he was very down to earth in this discussion, Tessa is changing him!

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