Moving on

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It was a dark and stormy night. Rain was pouring down from the sky, rattling against my windowpane. The wind was howling into the night, bringing along with it its icy touch. I was sitting by my window, gazing out. The weather suited my mood perfectly. It was only a few days ago that Papa told us The News. It was both bad and good at the same time. Papa's company got closed down, for it lost too much money during the economic crisis. Papa lost his job, but as the economy started steadying, a painting company hired Papa. But, the problem was, the painting company required Papa to be in the state of Novelor, but we were living in Octem. So, we packed all our belongings. Had a garage sale and sold the house. Mama and Papa bought a house near a stream. I was going to be moving away from all my friends, my family and everything that I knew. This was the last night I was staying where I belonged.

"Amoria! Time for breakfast!" Mama shouted. I woke up, still groggy from sleep. I pulled on my sneakers and bounded down the steps. My insides were doing somersaults. My heart was fluttering. Today was The Day Of The Move. I could barely eat my bacon and eggs Mama cooked for me. But my parents seemed nonchalant. Papa gobbled up his breakfast, while Mama took her time. Papa carried the boxes to our car and slammed the hood down. But as we said our last goodbyes to the house, a car stopped by. Out came Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa was a tall, strong man. Though he was super old and already had snowy white hair, he still had life and strength in him. Grandma was tall too, but her body was starting to get frail. But her smile was as warm as a summer's day. "Amoria!" they both cried out when they saw me. I dashed to hug them, and they enveloped me in their warm elderly love. Grandma had tears in her eyes. "Promise me you'll visit us often," Grandpa said. I nodded my head. Grandma pulled out a small pendant from her pocket. "This was given to me by my mother. She gave it to me, in remembrance of her. Now, it's passed down to you. When you ever feel lonely, touch this pendant and remember your family," she said with a smile. It was beautiful. The pendant had intricate carvings on it. Vines twirled around the circular shape, and a heart was carved in the middle. I took it and tied it around my neck. "It's beautiful, Grandma. Thank you," I whispered. They hugged me one last time. "Ready to have an adventure, kiddo?" Papa asked. I nodded and waved goodbye to my grandparents. I waved and waved till they were nothing but tiny specks on the neighbourhood. The drive took a day. We reached Novelor by evening. 

The golden sun continued its downward path, till the forest swallowed it up. Our house was a pretty little house, with two levels and a whole garden surrounding it. Trees flanked the sides and the stream was behind. A dense forest loomed behind. There were roses, lilies, morning glories and more. Inside the house, there was a fireplace. There were two rooms and they were nicely furnished. My room was a bright yellow colour while my parents were a soft pink. "Amoria, you'll be starting school in a few days time," Mama called up to me. Everyone was unpacking, and it was a bit hard to hear. With all that thumping, moving and clashing. "What did you say?" I yelled. "I said, you'll be starting school in a few days time!" Mama yelled back. School. We had canned food for dinner, and Mama chatted excitedly about my new school. I could cycle there every day. Mama went to buy my schoolbooks the next day, and some groceries too. Papa started work. He left early, and came back just in time for dinner. Those few days passed by pretty quick, cause the next moment I heard Mama's voice. "Wake up, child. It's time for school," she said softly. Mama made me toast and saw me off. I placed my books in the front basket, and I cycled to school. 

Just for fun: a compilation of short storiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang