Mind games

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It was an eerie night.

The streets were silent and empty. My footsteps resounded, loud and booming throughout the quiet street. My sneakers squeaked against the gravel road. I glanced around me, looking for anyone.

But there was no one.

The streetlights were my only company. They were the sun, shining bright and cheerful, penetrating the menacing darkness. Then, I heard something. Pounding footsteps, to be specific. I whipped around, fear rising. In the far distance, I saw a black dot. I breathed out a sigh of relief. Most probably a late night traveller like me. I continued walking. I contemplated waiting for the person, but decided against it. I turned around one last time, and squinted. What on earth...?

That black dot rapidly drew closer. I could hear its ragged breath, its pounding footsteps growing louder. Fear started rising in spikes. The sound grew louder. And louder. Boom—BOOM—BOOM. I twisted my head around, and saw its face close to mine. Its face was grotesque, it eyes were replaced by black pools of nothingness, and its mouth jagged canines. It grinned maliciously at me, and opened its mouth wide. Oh no, it's that thing again! For years, it had haunted me... since Dad was murdered. Suddenly everything was dark.

I screamed and pumped my legs faster. Just then, I was a cheetah, speedy and full of power. My legs were compressed springs that had just been released. But it kept catching up. It was a disfigured thing, black all over. It loped after me. Blood pounded in my ears. It got closer. And closer.

Then silence. I spun around and skidded to a halt. It wasn't there anymore. Panic mounted to a crescendo. Where was it? Where did it go?

Then, a cold voice hissed beside my ear, "You can't run forever."

I shrieked and turned to run again. But a voice in my head shouted, " It's not real! Fight it! FIGHT IT!" I heard it thump to the ground, and chase me again. I was the deer and it was the lion.

I screamed, " LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

Then, I saw a ray of light.

There, standing in total darkness, was the streetlight. But the thing was so near I could feel its breath going down my spine. Voices in my head screamed, " Reach that streetlight now!!" So I dashed with the last of my strength to the beam of light. I crossed through the light and collapsed, panting, with sweat raining down. It lunged toward me. I shut my eyes.

But I heard this sizzling sound. I peeked open my eyes, and saw it burning in the light. It howled and writhed in pain. Relief flooded my heart as it slowly disappeared.

But then my blood turned ice-cold.

Before it disappeared completely, it mouthed these words to me.

"I'll be back."

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