Lucas First day back p.0.v.

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* flashback*
Before Luca got on the train Alberto kissed his hand & told him goodbye. The train sped off before Luca processed how he felt about it, it was already too late.

{Lucas P.O.V.}
I was so happy to finally get off that train & see my family & friends again. We arrived at our stop & Julia & I got off. When we saw our families we instantly greeted them with a bunch of hugs. I was so happy to finally see them again. When I was done greeting my family I looked around for Alberto. It took a bit to find him but I eventually saw him standing behind Julias dad & this other man I've never seen before. When our eyes locked I ran toward him & tackled him to the ground, we where giggling & laughing I was so happy to hug him & see him again.
" I'm so happy to be back I missed you so so much." I said.
" I'm happy as well I can't wait to show you how much the town changed.... OH! & about Julias dads boyfriend, his name is Mario & he's super nice!" Alberto explained.
" Ohhhh so that's who that is I was wondering"
"If we're gonna go on that tour then you should probably get off me" he chuckled giving me a light hearted smile.
"Oh yeah that's probably a good idea" I chuckled along with him. I always thought his laugh was kinda cute. I soon got off him & offered my hand to help him up. He took it & I pulled him up.
"So about that tour of the town..." I asked.
" Oh yeah! Let's go!" Alberto practically shouted while grabbing my hand & dragged me into the town.

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