13 ; Villain to Kill Idea

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A/N: I actually finished this on tumblr earlier. My name is katsukavi there~


Book Idea

Villain to Kill
Crossdresser! Villain! MC x Cassian Lee (forgot his other name lmao)


I ONCE WATCHED THIS GUY (who was a magician) perform this experiment. A lady would come up to some strangers and ask them to watch her bag. Then the magician would come up to them in a very distinct smiley face hoodie, chat for a little bit and then finally snatch the bag away. Usually, the strangers would panic and try to look out for the thief.

Then the magician returns, but wearing a police uniform. He and his crew would drag another person wearing a smiley face hoodie and all the people there pointed towards him instead of the magician.

I was so fascinated with that scene, so I watched it over and over. It was so easy to get away with a crime.

Then I found out I was a villain.

My ability was to switch places with another organic being in an instant. I couldn't switch materials or non-living things. I couldn't swap with living beings that aren't in my view, so I couldn't instantly teleport to a jewelry store. But one thing I could do from swapping was steal someone's clothes and things they were holding in an instant.

My first ever robbery started out like this:

I just wanted to play a prank on someone like that magician and get a couple laughs from it. So I switched with an unassuming woman on the street. I didn't think she noticed that we had switched places the first few seconds. So watching her getting confused from afar, wondering why she was 30 meters away from the place she was before.

I got a hold of her purse and her dress too. The feel of it was different from my cheap outfits. So it was strangely comfortable. Her dress was made of expensive white silk. Her jewelry hung on my neck, sparkling glamorously and her make-up rested on my face.

I was assigned male at birth, but in the reflection of a store's glass I looked beautiful in it. I looked even better than she did.

"Excuse me, Miss.."

I called out weakly, holding in my chuckles as I squeezed her purse. It felt full. Because of the feeling, I stopped in my tracks. I opened it.

It was loaded with cash.

I looked back at her, she didn't even know I was there. My heart started to rush frantically in my chest. My consciousness was screaming at me to return it, but my legs were like anchors on the ground. The money was looking back at me, tempting me to keep it.

It wasn't like she knew I stole her stuff. It wasn't like anyone even noticed. They probably mistook her for me and that nothing was ever wrong.

That's right, we've switched places.

So I turned on my heel and silently entered the crowd.

"Ah? Where did my purse go?"

I started to run. I ran away holding her cash loaded purse. I stole everything she had at that moment. I ran till I couldn't even hear her voice.

Till then, my heists have only gotten worse and worse. Stealing bags to even vehicles. The police couldn't stop me, so I kept on the run.

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