Part 11

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I don't think about you or miss you as much anymore but that doesn't mean my love for you is fading away
Because it's not, the truth is I've found a way to numb all the pain and suppress all the memories we've had together
It's not like I want to but I gotta put myself first
I'm slowing learning that it's okay to be selfish sometimes and try to forget about someone who has hurt you
I'm slowing learning that it's okay to love you from a distance

It's been hard but I'm doing it for me because I deserve to be happy with or without someone in my life
And  trust me, you'll always hold a part of me even when I'm trying to move on from you
And maybe that's the problem
Perhaps I need to cut all ties and and stop holding on to hope
Maybe I need to stop hoping that one day you'll eventually talk to me so I can completely move on
Maybe I need to take that power you have over me, me being still in love with you
Maybe I need to stop making all these scenarios about you in my mind so I can completely move on

Unsaid wordsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ