Part 8

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I didn't know that I could love that hard until I met you and started to fall in love with you
I didn't know that I was able to put someone else's feelings above mine
I didn't know that I was willing to make so much sacrifices for someone to stay in my life just because I didn't wanna lose them

I didn't know that I was willing to put you first when I should've put myself first
I didn't know I was able to tolerate so much when I wasn't even getting enough to keep going, to keep the same energy
But I kept going and didn't lose hope because that's what love do to you
It makes you do things you've never done before and accept behavior that you wouldn't accept from just anybody

They say that love is like a drug and it is the strongest of them all
now I can't unsee it and couldn't agree more
Because it's so strong to the point that it could break you and tear you apart
Love is a drug that will take the pain away and make you feel happy
But at the same time you get addicted to it and can't enough of it
To the point where you don't want the high to wear off just for the thrill of it

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