"I've lost a friend," I said pointedly, "She was with me at the club the night I met you," I add, despite doubting he'd remember her.

He'd stayed quiet for a moment, taking a long draw in consideration.

"The redhead?" He chuckles, and as thrilled as I was to hear some kind of recognition, there was this deformed doubt that lit up in the back of my mind - I was with her for moments in the club, had he really noticed me from the very start?

Before I can consider that thought any further I am pushed by someone leaving the club and towards Dom, who catches me in his arms and stops me from falling. I pulled myself away, unable to stop the blush from appearing.

"Simply put, yes," I agree, ignoring the lack of descriptions he'd given her, and putting that odd feeling behind. People often disregarded the fact she was literally cut out of a men's magazine, with a plump figure and relatively tall height without any boost from heels - the red hair was a distinguishing factor that flowed down her back, taking constant care to maintain; which was difficult in the world we'd found ourselves in.

"Missing for days, right?" He murmured, but it came off as a brief observation rather than the knowledge he knew beforehand. Maybe the fact I was here to find her in the first place, and my last visit was a few days ago tipped him off. I could only nod as a reply, watching him release a breath.

"After that length of time, darling," He said after he had pondered for a moment; as if debating what he was about to tell me. He took a few moments to compose himself before he continued, gazing at another man who had left the club and grazed my back as he did so, "I think I know where your little friend should be."

"Where?" I had exclaimed in disbelief, I had taken a step towards him and he'd placed his hands on each of my arms, pulling me around to the other side of him and away from the door to the club. He looked around the streets of Ruby before he leaned in towards me.

"If you come with me I can show you," He whispered and gently took a hold of my hand. A grin had taken over his face once again; which had happened so often it was a wonder his cheeks weren't permanently in this position. The grin was followed by a warped, overtly-fake sinister expression that paired with him saying, "But it won't be safe."

The lack of explanation was a little frustrating; Dom was dangling it in front of my face but forcing me to play catch up.

"What won't be safe, Dom?" I said gingerly, willing myself to remove my hand from his. Given how insecure I felt in Eastern, and how little neutraliser I had left, I was hedging my bets on whatever left his mouth is a bad idea.

The vampire had ignored the question, choosing instead to lean forward and take a deep inhale near my face. After a moment he spoke softly, "Still got some neutraliser left, love?"

He smiled while wiggling his eyebrows and tightening the grip on my hand, not waiting for the answer before running off towards the skyscrapers. I knew they could run faster than humans; having faced enough encounters with vampires to realise that, but I'd never been pulled along with one.

I could tell he had slowed down to compensate for my inability to keep up with him - something that clearly annoyed him, as he kept having to slow himself down forcefully by pushing his feet into the concrete. Eventually, he'd chosen to pick me up; not pausing for a moment as he adjusted my body onto his back.

He hadn't said anything as he ran through the zone. Not that I would be able to hear anyway; my ears ringing as they tried to contend with an unfamiliar speed.

As far as I could tell, Dom was taking us to the outskirts of Eastern, near the west, where the remnants of another industrial area of Barewood stood tall. The buildings there weren't inhabited by any of the bloodlines, and for the most part, were considered a 'dead-zone'.

Blood & Lust [Book Two of The City of Eternity Series] [✔]Where stories live. Discover now