Ellie: That would be really nice. Thank you for your help!

Jungkook: No problem!

"Let's just wait and see then." Beomgyu said and I nodded.


Next day.. Jimin didn't come to school. Neither did he come the next, or next one. He didn't come to school for a whole week, until he finally decided to show up at the worst possible place, my house!

Beomgyu was the one that opened the door, but I saw everything. I was peeking from my bedroom. "Umm.. hi Beomgyu. Can I talk with Ellie?" Jimin asked. So he's just gonna show up like nothing ever happened.

"How about no?" Beomgyu answered.

"Why not?" Jimin asked. Is he dumb?

"She's not home." Beomgyu lied.

"She's home." Jimin said. "I can hear her thoughts." Shit!

"She doesn't want to see you." Beomgyu said.

"How do you know?" Jimin said.

"Why wouldn't I know. We literally live in the same house, and I can see when she doesn't feel okay because of a jerk like you!"

Jimin looked down ashamed. "I just want to say that I'm sorry."

"Well she doesn't have time for your apologies now because a simple sorry won't really fix your friendship. If you want to talk with her then talk with her at school all you want." Beomgyu said.

"Okay." Jimin said and walked away.

I jumped on my bed, hugged my pillow and started crying. How could he do this to me?!


Monday eventually had to come, and I eventually had to see Jimin's face.

I ignored him all day. I didn't look at him and didn't talk with him either.

The day ended and I was very happy that Jimin didn't talk with me today. I told my friends bye and when I finally started going alone, someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around. I crashed into his chest. Who you may ask? Well, it's Jimin.

I quickly backed away and slapped away his hand that was holding my wrist. "What do you want?!" I asked.

"I want to say sorry." He said.

"Four letters from the alphabet won't make me forget what you did to me. You can't for example kill my whole family and then say sorry. It doesn't work that way! We're not kids anymore with small problems!" I scolded him.

"But.. you won't believe me if I told you." He said.

"What is it?" I folded my arms.

"My mother has always been against my thoughts because she's a demon. She didn't want me to help the armilla owner but my dad convinced her because he's a vampire and he knew that I truly wanted to help the armilla owner. My mom told me that I could help the armilla owner if I don't hurt myself or put myself in danger and she won't get in my way. If I did hurt myself or put myself in danger because of the armilla owner then she can prevent me from helping the armilla owner or even use me to get the bracelet. I broke the deal when they kidnapped us because we were in danger, so she took over my body to get the bracelet from you because she knew that you trusted me. I can't control myself very well when I'm around you so she could control over my body, but when you ran away, I got more control and locked myself up in my house while trying to get rid of her. She's not controlling me anymore. I'm really sorry for what happened!" He explained.

I kind of got convinced, but I can't get tricked by this nonsense! He can just casually trick me into trusting him again, or he might be speaking the truth but his mom is still controlling him and she's tricking me. "Do you really think that I would believe this nonsense?!" I said.

"Please believe me! I'm not lying, I swear!"

"Leave me alone Jimin!" I said and turned around to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"I'm serious!" He said.

"I'm serious too! If I turned my back at you would you still trust me?" I asked looking at his eyes.

"Depends.." He said in a low voice also looking at my eyes. If he controls me now because he has the chance then I will seriously never trust him.

"Well in my case, you probably won't!" I said while getting my arm away from him and walking away.

While walking away I heard him mumble something to himself. "She would never believe me until she knows the secret."


I opened the book the queen gave me and searched for any chapter that was called 'secret' or something like that. The only thing I found was 'Armilla owner's secret' and the chapter was very short. It talked about the abilities that the Armilla owner has which Jimin has explained for me in America, and it also said that researchers don't know everything about Armilla owners and that's why Armilla owners are the strongest in the world. That can't be the secret Jimin's hiding!

I went back to the first page and started reading every page that I haven't read. Beomgyu wanted to talk with me, my dad thought that I was depressed, my mom called me to eat, but I didn't answer anyone. I didn't eat nor talk with anyone. I just stayed in my room and read the book.

It was late and my bedtime had already passed, but I still had 18 pages more to read in the book. I can stay up a little longer. I kept reading and reading. This will really help my bad reading skills!

After about 35 minutes, I finished the book. There was a lot of information that he hasn't told me but I don't know which one was the secret he meant. It might not even be about powers and supernatural stuff.

Even though I didn't find what I wanted in the book, I found some stuff that caught my attention. Good demons hide while hybrid demons or vampire usually join the demon kingdom or join the vampire kingdom and don't do much. Hybrids don't have much power so they don't do much to not hurt themselves. Jimin is a hybrid, he has joined the vampire kingdom and does a lot. I don't know if it counts as a lot or if they do more, but he really protected me to the point that they kidnapped us. The demons could probably just help him, get the bracelet and every demon will live happily, but instead he stayed by our side. He's a god guy, no, he was a good guy!

Another thing that caught my eye is that once two soulmates kiss, they'll get each other's powers when they are close to each other. One more thing that really caught me off was also about soulmates. If you are close to your soulmates and it's a demon, then your soulmate hears your thoughts out of nowhere. Also, if your soulmate is in the room and another demon wants to read your mind then the demon can't do that until your soulmate exits the room. What caught me off with this is that this happens with me and Jimin. He says that he can hear my thoughts without wanting to.

He might be lying though.. or could he really be my soulmate?

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