move in? (20)

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Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Today was supposed to be just a normal day in my fucked up life but how more wrong could I have been

4 hours earlier

It is currently a Sunday and today I am planning to just stay in and watch tv or do stuff with the kids and Lilith

As I was getting dressed into something comfortable for the day I hear the doorbell ring throughout the house scaring me why you may ask it's only a doorbell that's the point nobody comes to my house without me knowing and I know that nobody was coming.

As I was getting dressed into something comfortable for the day I hear the doorbell ring throughout the house scaring me why you may ask it's only a doorbell that's the point nobody comes to my house without me knowing and I know that nobody was c...

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hana outfit^

I quickly grabbed my phone and a bat before peeking at the kids to see if they were ok and running down the stairs as I checked on my camera who was there

"Harry" I said quietly confused as I lowered my bat and opened the door

There stood harry smiling widely looking at the house he didn't even notice me opening the door to busy looking around the place before I pulled him in locking the door behind us.

"Ahh" harry yelled getting ready in a ninja pose

"Why are you yelling," I said annoyed glaring at him

"I.i...I don't know"harry said giggling

"Well would you like to explain why you have shown up unannounced to my house," I said sarcastically

"Oh of course I originally came to see Lilith but now that I have seen you I think its better just telling you," Harry said excitedly

"What is it," I asked warily of what Harry was going to say

"I'm gonna live here," Harry said smiling widely

"Your what now," I asked shocked

"Live here," Harry said smiling as he walked towards the sofa

"You can't this is my house" I yelled annoyed

"And you are living with our kids I have missed out on lots of parts in their lives I want to be apart of every moment so I will live here," Harry said looking around the place

"And who's fault was that," I said moodily

"I know it was mine but I promise that I won't do it again honey," Harry said turning to look at me

I stayed silent not knowing what to say

"DAD" yelled Evan running down the stairs

"Oh great" I said annoyed as I went upstairs to get violet since she can't walk down the stairs fast

"Yeah lets play dad" I heard Evan say as I was coming downstairs with violet on my hips

"You'll play what" I questioned

"Mum, dad's living with us so I want to play with him," Evan said excitedly

"Oh goodness me, fine but not yet you have to eat first," I said glancing at harry annoyed

"Ok mum," Evan said happily hugging harry as I put violet in her high chair before I started cooking

It had been a couple of hours since harry turned up and everything has been fine he has been playing with the kids all day whilst I watching some tv with Lilith before she went out on what she called a night out with Noah

I was currently sitting on the sofa with Lilith, harry and the kids were now asleep

"So harry have you always been in korea," Lilith said like she was inspecting him

"Lilith I already told you he was," I said confused

"Shut up" Lilith whispered loud enough that me and Harry could hear her

"Oh great he heard me, annoying, I'm going to bed so don't fuck on the sofa please don't forget about the kids and me," Lilith said laughing as she rushed upstairs before I could say anything

"So honey," Harry said getting close to me

"What are we," I asked seriously looking closely at harry

"W..what," asked harry flustered

"Are we still together or not?" I asked annoyed

"Whatever you want us to be we are that," Harry said sadly

"You think I don't want to be with you don't you," I asked observing harry

"Well do you?" harry said showing no emotion

"Maybe but you will have to prove that you won't leave me again before I Even think of giving you another chance," I said smiling rushing off upstairs to bed embarrassed of us flirting once again

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