Very. Lexa replies distractedly.

I sigh over exaggeratedly at her short reply.

Alright Lexa, whats on your mind? I ask her with concern. She was silent for a long moment before replying, as if she was debating whether to tell me what her thoughts were.

I am worried that you will choose your people over us over me. Lexa replies, her voice a mix of fear, sadness, and acceptance. I looked back over my shoulder at her when I heard her words. She was laying her head against my back so I wasnt able to see her face, almost as if she was afraid to look at me.

Realizing I better ease her concerns, I stop the horse so I am able to talk to her easier. As if knowing what my plan was, she slowly climbed off the horse and then I joined her. Now that her face wasnt hidden from my view, I could see that her eyes were very teary and she was trying hard not to cry.

Lexa, the people on The Ark are not mine. You are my people. Youve done so much more for me than The Ark ever has. I say softly, grasping her hands on my own. You were my first friend, my only friend. You were there for me when no one else was, and youre still here. No matter what, I will never leave you. You are the most important person in the whole world to me. Please dont ever forget that. I told her sincerely, a smile growing on her face the more I spoke.

Looking into her eyes, she started crying, but I could tell these werent the same tears that were threatening to fall mere moments ago. These were tears of joy, and the kiss right then and there proved just how much joy she was feeling. I could literally feel the emotions that she willed into the kiss.


The rest of the trip back to Polis after that was much lighter, except for a certain woman's grip on my stomach. Lexas grip seemed almost possessive, as if I would disappear right then and there off of the horse.

Arriving back in Polis, Lexa wasted no time. She had immediately headed for the throne room and proceeded to summon every clan ambassador. Taking my usual place next to her throne, we didnt have to wait long for every ambassador to arrive.

I know you all are wondering why I have summoned you here for an emergency meeting. Lexa started, quieting down several of the ambassador's discussions. Hearing murmurs of agreement, she continued. Just a few hours ago, invaders from the sky had landed in Trikru territory.

As soon as she said those words, a loud cacophony of noise erupted from the assembled. Already knowing she wasnt finished talking, I decided to quiet them down. SILENCE! I roared at the ambassadors. Almost immediately all of the unwanted noise ceased.

Thank you, My Shield. As I was saying, an object carrying what I believe to be people, has fallen from the sky. I do not yet know what their intentions are and if they are hostile. Anya of Trikru has sent a scout to observe them. Anything she finds out, she will relay to myself. Are there any questions? Lexa asks the ambassadors. In response to her question, most shook their heads. However, the Azgeda ambassador spoke his inquiry.

What are we to do if similar invaders land in our respective clans territories? The ambassador asks, many of the assembled individuals wait for Hedas reply, they are also wanting to know the answer to that question.

If Anya reports back that they are indeed hostile and want war, then do as you wish. Lexa answers firmly, many of the ambassadors grin at her words. With a wave of her hand, the throne room is soon cleared.

That went better than expected. I say with a small laugh. Getting an annoyed look from Lexa.

With no purpose left for us being in the throne room, we head to the training grounds. We haven't visited the new nightbloods in awhile and Im rather curious to see how far Aden has come in our absence.

After Lexa ascended to the position of Commander, Titus, our resident Flame Kepa, set out for new nightbloods. Aden was one of the new recruits that Titus brought to Polis, and he was one of the most promising. When he first arrived, he didnt stand out much. He was small and frail, but he used that to his advantage and eventually became the most talented of the bunch.Entering the training area, I see many of the nightbloods sparring with each other while the occasional one is off training on their own.

Standing near the entrance, I watch Lexa interact with the nightbloods, never spending too long with just one. It makes me sad in a way, watching them train and grow in many ways, only for them to die so young. Killed by the people you trained with no less. I cant even imagine how Lexa must feel, she was in their shoes once and is very knowledgeable on how it feels. Even though she is helping them with their training and other responsibilities as Heda, she never allows them to get close to her. She doesnt want to lose anyone else, and she isn't going to.


The next morning we received news from Anya. Apparently the invaders tried to make contact with The Mountain, and so one of the warriors on the river had to spear one, to ward them off from trying it again. A look of annoyance formed on Lexas face as she read the message. After sending the messenger back with orders to keep her updated, she strode to the balcony to think.

I dont know what to do with these Skaikru if they continue to become a handful. Lexa said to me after a minute of silence, testing the name given to the invaders on her tongue.

Do what you have to, Lexa. No matter what you decide, I will stand by your side and support you one hundred percent of the way. I responded firmly.

I think that I had always known that one day The Ark would make its way into my life again, but I chose what side I was on the day I was taken in by Matthew. The Skaikru are not my people anymore, if they ever were. No longer did I sit and read books in my room all day, just waiting for Kane to give me more gifts. There was no longer any hope in my heart that Marcus Kane would adopt me, so I no longer would be just James, and would instead be James Kane.

The reason that I did not wish for that anymore was quite simple. I have a purpose now, and a new name. I am James, The Shield of Heda... and I would have it no other way.


AN: So, I moved over to Web novel as my primary site, I tend to update on here first and I actually almost forgot about this site, which is why I just uploaded like three chapters all at once. My name on there is Jonathyn_RB if anyone would like to check it out. The story is much more edited on there so a lot less mistakes. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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