The Natblida

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This was the first time that I had ever awoken in an actual bed other than the one on the Ark. It was a surreal experience, standing on the balcony, looking down on the citizens of Polis. The sun is just barely peaking over the hills surrounding the city as it is still very early in the morning. The yellows oranges, reds, and blues of morning light created a masterpiece in the sky, reminding me of paintings of old. The famous paintings I've read about in my history books, done by artists like Vincent van Goh.

Taking in my fill of the gorgeous scenery I turned back into the common area of my quarters. Laying upon the table in the center of the room was what I assumed was my new training gear. The gear consisted of soft cloth underclothes to go underneath my armor, which was laying beside the underclothes. The armor to go over the cloth was thick cured black leather. The leather on the front and back parts of the torso looked to be doubled. It makes sense I thought, that's where most of my vital organs were. Next were light leather boots and small leather shoulder pauldrons. All in all it was armor that was made for someone with a footwork based fighting style. Light enough for you to move in but sturdy enough to protect you from attacks.


When I finished putting my armor on, I couldn't help but notice that the space suit that I came down to the ground with was gone. In my exhaustion last night I kinda just stripped and threw it down on the ground. Whoever left this armor for me must have taken it I suppose. Speaking of, looking at my wrist where my stylish space bracelet used to be, I saw that it was gone. Honestly though, it doesn't really surprise me. It was a strange device and whoever found me in my drop-pod must have taken it because they thought it was worth something.

The only thing that saddens me a bit is that it was my only way to communicate with Mr. Kane. Now he probably thinks I am dead, I hope he isn't mourning me too badly. I knew he would most likely blame himself for my death and that didn't sit well with me.

The upside however, is that the council thinks that their experiment failed. With my death, comes the death of their plan. Laughing to myself I couldn't help but think about how they are probably panicking up there right now. I pity the victims of their next full proof plan.

Walking to the bathroom I notice a mirror on one wall. Looking into the mirror I see that my dark brown hair has gotten rather... unruly.  I raked my fingers through it to try and calm it somewhat and make myself look presentable as the second to the Heda. After a few minutes I eventually was able to make it look styled to one side. I thought I looked kinda roguish, in my leather armor and unruly hair.

Finished with my appearance, I walked back to the common area. When I got there, someone started knocking on my door. Taking a wild guess on who it could be, I open it to find Matthew looking back at me in astonishment.

"You look like one of us now! Well, you still look a little weak but you'll get there." He said chuckling. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words.

"Gee, thanks Matthew" I mumbled, closing my door mehind me as I stepped into the hallway.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and lead me down the hallway. "There are a few ground rules we must establish. Pun definitely intended." He said somewhat seriously as we walked.

His pun honestly wanted me to die inside. "What type of rules Matthew?" I asked, looking up at the side of his face.

"Rule one, when others are present, ALWAYS refer to me as Heda. If I am seen as weak, they will try to replace me. So when others are around I may be very serious or strict, but just know a true leader can not be seen as weak in front of his people, young James." He said very seriously, looking at my face until he was sure I understood the seriousness of it.

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