Troubled Mind

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Hearing the clang of steel I turn the corner and see what has grown to become a calming sight to me. The Natblida training to become the next Heda has become quite the norm. However, there was one Natblida that was missing, and her name was Luna. A few months ago Luna left in the cover of darkness, no one has seen her since. There were rumors though, that she was spotted near the sea.

In time we shall see if these rumors have any basis to them. But for now, for now we wait. Over the years I haven't really crossed paths with her much, she was more of an... introvert so to speak. Choosing to instead stick to herself, rather than make friends with the other Natblida. To be quite honest, I was glad that she decided to leave. I've seen her spar with other Natblida and she was fierce with her blades. She even threw Lexa around a couple times.

Just out of curiosity to see who was the best I asked her to spar. I won of course, but she left me with a rather nasty bruise across my chest. Im glad that she left because if she chose to stay, I fear that Lexa would be killed in the conclave. Lexa and I have grown rather close as friends, we tell eachother everything. There are no secrets between us, and that's how I like it. Lexa has made my time on the ground truly remarkable, she has given me memories that I will truly cherish forever.

There was one time when Lexa and I were still children, we decided to play a little prank on our resident flame keeper. We snuck into Titus's quarters and stole all of his clothes while he was bathing. The bald oaf was chasing us for hours, in nothing more than a towel no less.

Chuckling at the memory, I was brought out of my thoughts by a soft voice to my left.

"Well Well Well, and here I thought that the great shield gon hedas forgot about us."

Rolling my eyes, I turn to see Lexa saunter up to me. She has grown into quite the beautiful woman over the years. Matthew has even dropped some hints about how we should get together. The invasive old man is always trying to get us alone together in some way.

I can't say that I haven't thought about it myself honestly, I am definitely attracted to her. Physically, as well as to her personality. What's stopped me from trying to move past friends with her is that I am afraid that she will not return my feelings. Let alone the fact she recently got together with a local healer named Costia. Seeing them together makes my heart hurt. However, if Lexa is happy, I will let her do as she wishes.

"What was your name again?" I asked her, a small smirk playing on my face as I see her annoyed expression.

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes, "I don't think I've seen you down here to train in a few days, everything alright?" She asked me with concern lacing her words.

"Everything is quite alright, Heda and I have just been rather busy as of late." I motion towards the old man in question walking towards a group of Natblida.

"I understand, there is a lot of responsibility that comes with being Heda. Every lesson with the Heda goes over the rules and responsibilities that come with it." She says with pride.

I know she will be Heda, she is the best fighter out of all the Natblida and she takes the respobilties of Heda completely to heart. She will make Trikru proud, I know it.

"Well I hope you're ready for it Lexa, because you will win that conclave." I told her honestly, putting extra emphasis on the will.

She smiled sadly at my words. I know she is still doubting herself but she has no reason to, she can mop the floor with anyone here. Except for myself of course.

"Thank you James." She said softly, smiling up at me. She was a few inches short than myself and seeing her look up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers made my heart skip a beat everytime.

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