All stars New Stage 1: Friends of the Future

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???: My name is Fusion, I shall destroy all and dye the world in darkness.

A giant metallic grey dragon was charging up a blast of energy. Everyone held themselves and loved ones in fear as the dark energy blast was coming toward them. However, nothing happened. All looked up to see that it faded away.

???: Were we saved?

???: What happened?

???: Hey! Look! On the Ferris Wheel!

???: There's someone on the car! Lots of them!

???: There are 5... 10... gah! Too many to count!

???: It's girls!

???: Could they be...?! That's it. It has to be.

There were many girls each standing on a car of the Ferris Wheel, all were dressed unusually and stood seemingly determined.

???: When the world is dyed with darkness, they are said to surely appear....... They are the legendary warriors........

???: Go! Pretty Cure!

???: Let's all cheer them on.

???: Haha! Go Pretty Cure!

With that, the Cures attacked, from Black to Muse. All of them hit Fusion with either their regular combat or their special moves. The crowd cheered them on as they did. However, it seemed that they were only doing it little by little.

White: He is difficult to beat down!

Black: Where are those guys when you need them?!

Some in the crowd paused to ponder who they were talking about.

???: Huh? "Those guys?"

Suddenly, three streaks of Red, Blue, and Green sped around and hit Fusion in the face. They stood next to three of the Cures.

???: Oh! Of course... The boys who had been fighting alongside the Pretty Cures when they appeared to be forgotten many years ago....... The warriors of Peace and Hope...........

Kabuto: Sorry we took so long.

Hopper: Our Clock Up kept stopping!

Soon more and more riders appeared, from Kabuto to Meteor. Together, with the support of the crowd and their power, they took down Fusion, who scattered into pieces.

*Next Day*

Anchor: A mysterious monster appeared in Yokohama and threatened the city. But dozens of girls and boys appeared and saved everyone. They are currently known as the Pretty Cures and the Kamen riders.

A young boy was watching the news report. He had very light blonde hair, nearly white. His eyes were aquamarine.

???: (Oh boy... Being either of those sounds scary.......)

???: Hikaru, do you want to be one of them? It sounds cool to be fighting on the side of justice, right?

Hikaru looked to see his elder sister, Umika.

Hikaru: Um........ It does sound a little scary, but if I were to become one, then I'd give it my all, though it wouldn't be likely.......

Umika: Aww don't say that! If any of us are gonna be a Pretty Cure or a Kamen rider, it's you!

Hikaru: I-I think that's an overstatement.......

Umika: Anyway, isn't it time to go?

Hikaru: Ahhh!!! You're right!

Pretty Cure x Kamen rider All stars New Stage: Friends of the FutureWhere stories live. Discover now