Chapter 22

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"When Aro once someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime" Eleazar said. "So he has done this before" Hayley asked sitting on Pauls lap. "It happens so rarely I never realized it was a pattern" Eleazar said. "Apparently he only pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant" Carlisle said. "This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the guard" Eleazar said." this is all about Alice. He has no one like her" Edward said." which is why she left" Bella said." why dows he need witnesses" Emmett asked." To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven." Alistar said. "Benjamin Tia we are leaving" Amun said. "And where will you go"Edward said. "What makes you think they will be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want" Edward said. Everyone began to listen." Their goal isn't punishment its power. Its acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight but I will. For the sake of my family but also for yours. And for the way you want to live" Edward said. Everyone looked at each other. Jacob looked at Sam who nodded. Both alphas stood up." The Packs will fight" Jacob said. "We've never been afraid of vampires" Sam said. "We will fight" Tanya said. "This won't be the first time I fought a kings rule" Garrett said. "We'll join you" Benjamin said. "No" Amun said. "I will do the right thing Amun. You may do as you please"Benjamin said. Bella and Hayley stood up." we will stand with you" Senna said. "So will we" one of the Russian vampires said. Charlotte and Peter nodded. "That didn't take much"Stefan said. "Lets hope it doesn't come to that" Hayley said. "We'll see" Alistar said before he walked to the attic.
~The next day~
Hayley outfit

 ~The next day~ Hayley outfit

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"Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks

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"Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves" Edward said." too bad we don't have your shields" Garrett said looking at the twins." Doesn't help us fight though" Hayley said." No but you could help the rest of us, if you could project it" Tanya said." what do you mean" Bella asked." I think she means she anyone eles but ourselves" Hayley said. Tanya nodded." is that possible" Bella asked. "Gifts can be developed overtime" Carlisle said. "At first mine was just in my palms. Now I can radiate it all over my body" Kate said." how do you do it" Bella asked. Kate was about to answer when Bella grabbed her hand." Tell me" Bella said." ow" Kate said. They went outside. "You need to visualize it, see how it moves, what color it it." Kate said. Hayley could see the shield. "Now picture it expanding. Will it go beyond you." Kate said. Bella and Hayley tried the shield out. But it didn't work. "I think they need something to motivate them" Kate said. Edward stepped up. "No" Bella said. "Its all right I can take it" Edward said. "He say's that now" Garrett said. "Focus Bella and Hayley or he's gonna be hurting" Emmett said. "Edward I'm not ready to do this yet" Bella said. Meanwhile Hayley tried projecting her shield again. It didn't work. "I'm sorry I said I wasn't ready" Bella said. "I tried" Hayley said. "Dude your not motivating them" Emmett said. "You wanna try" Hayley and Edward asked. Emmett held his hands up. Bella and Hayley borh tried again and it didn't work. Kate shocked Edward again. But Kate didn't stop. "Kate" Bella said. "You two seem to lack insensitive. Shall I go see if Renesmee is awake" Kate said. This got Hayley attention. "Are you crazy" Hayley asked. "Alright this is one is on full power" Kate said. When Bella and Hayley tried to use they're shield it worked this time. Edward felt the pain but it wasn't extreme. Then Kate stopped using her power and the shields stopped. "It's painful but it's bearable" Edward said. "Okay we should go again" Bella said. "Emmett" Hayley asked. "I'm good" Emmett said.
~Later that night~
"There's sweet music here that softer falls, than petals from blown roses on the grass. Or night dews on still waters between walls of shadowy granite in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies" Hayley read from the book. She looked to see Renesmee asleep. She put the book on the bedside table and turned the lamp off." mom" Renesmee said. Hayley turned to her daughter." hmm?" Hayley said. "Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper run away because we're gonna die" Renesmee asked. "No. I think they left to keep us safer. That's what all these people are here for too" Hayley said. I'll never let anyone hurt you" Hayley said reassuring her daughter. "And I know your dads won't let anyone hurt you either" Hayley said. It's true. The pack wouldn't let anyone hurt Renesmee. Renesmee smiled at her mom. Then she fell asleep. Hayley kissed her daughters forehead and stroked her hair. Then she left Renesmee room and walked into the living room. She sat on the couch and looked at the note that Alice left her. She turned it around and saw a it was a page in a book. Hayley vamp sped over tp the bookshelf and grabbed the book and looked for a page missing. She turned a page in the book and looked to see it was another note.
J. Jenkins Seattle - destroy this
Hayley knew what she had to do. Hayley then burned the book in a fire place. She turned and sat on the couch. She heard footsteps and saw Jacob. "Nessie asleep" Jacob asked. "Yeah she is" Hayley said. "Wanna take a bath together" Jacob asked. Hayley smiled and nodded. "I just need to call Sam real quick you can start without me" Hayley said. Jacob nodded. He walked into the bathroom. Hayley grabbed her phone and called Sam. She told him what she was gonna do the next day and that she needed him to potray as her husband for a meeting with someone. Sam agreed to do it. Hayley was then hung up the phone and sighed. She then went to take a bath with Jacob. Hayley was not ready for what she was expecting for tomorrow with meeting J.Jenkins

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