Chapter 17

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Alice, Rosalie, Jacob, Edward, Hayley and Bella were in Carlisle hospital room. Bella and Hayley in the beds next to each other. The pain was too much for the both of them. Bella and Hayley could feel themselves losing vision. "Rosalie pass the morphine." Edward said. Rosalie grabbed the morphine and gave it to both Hayley and Bella. "Carlisle said the placenta must have detached" Alice said. "He's coming as fast as he can..." Alice said but was cut off by Rosalie saying. "Well have to do it" Rosalie said grabbing the scalpel. She was about to put it near Bella stomach but Edward stopped her. "Rose let the morphine spread" Edward said. "There's no time he's dying" Rosalie said. "Get him out now" Bella and Hayley said both feeling something in their stomach about the baby. "Hayley Bella look at me" Jacob said. Rosalie placed the scalpel on Bella stomach and both Bella and Hayley screamed in pain. Then lost vision as everything turned black. When they woke up they saw Rosalie looking at the bloody scalpel and knew because Rosalie hasn't fed the blood was too much. "Rosalie no" Edward said. Jacob tackled Rosalie. "Alice get her out of here" Edward said. Bella and Hayley were grunting in pain. "Rosalie" Bella said. Bella and Hayley were screaming in pain again. "Save them you got the change the both of them" Jacob said. "I can't not while he still in there. I got to get him out first" Edward said." stay Bella and Hayley. Stay focused. Keep your hearts beating" Jacob said. Below and Hayley vision. "No,He's suffocating" Hayley yelled. Edward bit Bella to try and get the baby out. Bella and Hayley screamed. Their vision was going in and out. They kept screaming in pain. They blacked out again. This time when they opened their eyes Edward was smiling at something. Bella and Hayley both felt the pain go away. Hayley sat up.
She then heard a baby crying. She looked to see the most beautiful thing in the world. "It's Renesmee" Edward said to Hayley. Hayley smiled and kept breathing heavily with sweat all over her face. Even though Bella was the one to give birth Hayley felt the exact some pain. "Beautiful" Hayley said. Edward passed his niece to his sister in law. Hayley held her baby girl in her arms. Bella smiled at her sister and her neice. "She's perfect" Bella said. Hayley smiled at her sister then looks back down at the child in her arms. Shesmiled at the baby. She looked at Jacob and smiled. Jacob smiled back at her. She laid back down with the baby in her arms. Then all of a sudden Renesmee bit Hayley. Edward took Renesmee back and held his neice in his arms. Then all of a sudden Hayley eyes closed but they never opened again. Bella eyes we're still opened but it's like the light left her eyes. Jacob got scared and started CPR on Hayley then on Bella. Edward wrapped Renesmee in a blue towel. "Jacob take the baby" Edward said. "Keep that away from me" Jacob said. That thing probably killed his imprint why should he hold it. "Edward I'll take her" Rosalie said walking in to the room. Edward was hesitate to give his neice to Rosalie. "I promise I'm okay" Rosalie said. Edward passed Renesmee to Rosalie and Rosalie took her out of the room. Edward grabbed two needles of venom. His venom and Nightwalker venom. "What is that" Jacob asked. Edward took his venom and injected it into Bella and then took the Nightwalker venom and injected it into Hayley. "My venom and Nightwalker venom. Carlisle said if we gave Hayley my venom she was gonna die. We had no other choice than to give he Nightwalker" Edward said. He took the needles out and looked at Hayley and Bella who were not waking up. "It should be working" Edward said. Edward then started chess compressions. Jacob started crying. "I won't kill you. That'd be too easy. You deserve to live with this" Jacob said. Jacob tool one last look at Bella who wasn't responding to the venom and Hayley who was lifeless. He then walked out of the room and to outside. Once he made it outside he sat on the ground and sobbed. Seth and Leah watched him. They knew what happened. "Hayley didn't make it" Seth said. Both started to tear up as they found out their imprint was dead. No one noticed Paul in his wolf form watching. He made a low growl and went to tell Sam. Edward was still doing chest compressions on the girls. He kept repeating 'it will work and your not dead'. He kept trying and trying to get them to wake up. As Jacob was sitting on the ground he raised his head to reveal this murderous stare. Back on the reservation Sam walked out the the Black household. Sue, Emily and Billy right behind him. Outside Jared, Embry, Quill and two new wolves Brady and Collin were outside waiting. "I don't care what he's done. He's still my son" Billy said. "I'm sorry Billy I thought you should know" Sam said. Paul came up from behind Sam and told Sam what happened. Then came the moment Sam's heart broke. The moment Paul told him she didn't make it. "Bella and Hayley are dead" Sam announced his voice breaking. The pack members who were in complete shock. Emily had a sad look on her face. "It killed them" Sam said talking about Renesmee. He didn't know Renesmee was Hayley child. "Let's go" Sam said to the pack. They ran to the Cullen's house in wolf form. "We're killing The Cullen's and that thing for Hayley" Sam said in mind link. "For Hayley" Paul, Jared, Embry, Quill said in mind link. Brady and Collin didn't know who she was but she was important to the pack. Jacob stood up from the ground and walked inside. Seth was about to stop him when Leah stopped her brother. Jacob walked inside the house. He walked to ever Rosalie was holding Renesmee. He had a murderous stare until Renesmee looked at him. (He isn't imprinting on her). Renesmee looked at Jacob and immediately recognized who he was. One of her mother's imprint or one of her parents. One of he fathers. Jacob murderous stare went away. He had a look of awe. Renesmee was adorable. Renesmee put her hand to Rosalie cheek. Rosalie was hesitant but nodded. "Jacob" Rosalie said. Jacob looked at her and stood up. "She's want you to hold her" Rosalie said. Jacob was scared but nodded. He took Renesmee from Rosalie arms and held her. Renesmee looked at him in wonder. She put her hand to Jacob cheek. "You must be the one of the wolf boys my mommy loves" Renesmee said. Jacob was shocked but smiled. "Yeah I am" Jacob said. He heard growling. Sam and his pack were here. Jacob handed Renesmee to Rosalie. He then ran outside. And stood in front of Sam. "Stop it's over" Jacob said. Sam tried to get around him but Jacob stopped him. "If you kill her you kill me" Jacob said. Sam pushed Jacob and Jacob shifted into his wolf form. Jacob walked up to Sam and growled. In his mind he told Edward to tell Sam everything. "Renesmee is Hayley daughter. You wouldn't be able to hurt her because she's Hayley. And you wouldn't hurt Hayley because whoever a wolf imprints on can be harmed. It's their most absolute law" Edward said. Sam stopped growling. Renesmee was Hayley daughter? That's impossible she didn't do anything sexual with anyone. Jacob explained in mind link about everything to Sam. Sam then nodded and took off with the pack behind him. Jacob turned to Edward and nodded at him. Edward nodded back.
~two days later~
It been two days since everything happened. Alice and Rosalie were getting Bella and Hayley dressed in something else. Hayley in a black dress and Bella in a blue dress.
Hayley outfit

 Hayley outfit

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Bella outfit

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Bella outfit

Rosalie brushed both girls hair and left with Alice

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Rosalie brushed both girls hair and left with Alice. Rosalie gave Hayley a ring. A daylight ring. But whenever Hayley was in the sun her skin would sparkle like a cold one. It was like a light shinning diamonds. Hayley and Bella body was changing. Their skin turned back to normal. Their hair getting its color back. Then the venom that was injected in both girls was coursing through their veins.  Then Hayley and Bella chest raised. Their fade was changing. Their face went back to normal and it looked how not did before. Then their memories. All of Bella memories were of Hayley and Edward. All of Hayley memories were Bella, and the pack. Then the finally memory was when Bella and Hayley were babies. Then their heart stopped beating. The family looked as they heard Bella and Hayley heart best stop. Jacob heard it too and looked. Edward was in the room and looked at Hayley and Bella. Then it happened. Bella Cullen and Hayley Swan were both newborn vampires but Hayley was a hybrid.

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