Chapter 19

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It was really early in the morning when Hayley woke up the next morning. Hayley turned to her side to see Jacob still sleeping. She smiled and blushed from the night before. She got up and went to the bathroom. She showered and brushes her teeth and hair and got into an outfit.
Hayley outfit

When she finished Jacob was already awake

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When she finished Jacob was already awake. "Morning" Hayley said. Jacob smiled at her. "Morning" Jacob said. He pecked Hayley lips. "I'm gonna go shower" Jacob said. Hayley nodded. She waited for Jacob and once he was done they walked out the house. "You head to The Cullen's I'm heading to Bella and Edward house" Hayley said. Jacob nodded and pecked Hayley lips. Hayley sped to Bella and Edward house. She walked inside the house and sat in the living room. She read a book and waited. Bella and Edward walked in to see Hayley in their house. "Oh Hayley we didn't hear you come in" Bella said. "Let me guess you two did it" Hayley said. Bella and Edward nodded. Hayley smirked. "Come in let's go" Hayley said. They sped over to the house. Once they arrived Hayley walked upstairs and waited. Bella and Edward walked in next. "Wow done already" Emmett asked. "Where is Renesmee" Hayley asked. "Blondie stole her" Jacob said. Hayley looked outside to see Rosalie and Renesmee. She smiled. "Break a lot of things" Emmett asked. "Emmett no" Bella said. Everyone laughed. Soon the phone rang making the laughter die down. Hayley walked up to the table. "Is that Charlie" Hayley asked. "He's been calling twice a day" Edward said. "He's in pretty touch shape" Jacob said. "Eventually we will have to tell him you two didn't make it" Carlisle said. "He needs to mourn" Edward said. Hayley sighed sadly. That's the last thing she wanted for her dad. Then if her father told Sam and the lack she didn't make it. It would completely destroy them. "Okay we'll do it tomorrow" Bella said. "I'm gonna miss this place" Emmett said. "We'll come back we always do" Carlisle said. "Wait nobody said anything about leaving" Jacob said. "Once people believe Bella and Hayley are dead we can't risk anyone seeing them" Carlisle said. "So you just disappear" Jacob said. Hayley sighed and walked to Jacob. "Look Jake I don't want this but if this is the only way to protect my daughter them I will do whatever it takes" Hayley said. "Besides we don't have another choice" Edward said. Soon Jacob left to do good knows what. Rosalie came inside and gave Renesmee to Hayley. Hayley smiled at her daughter and went to the living room with her and sat down. Renesmee put her hand on her mother's cheek. 'Mommy when am I gonna meet the other Wolfies" Renesmee asked. Hayley sighed." I don't know baby. But I know one day you will I promise okay" Hayley said. Renesmee nodded. After some time Jacob came back. Hayley had just put Renesmee to sleep. She walked outside to be in the conversation." what's going on" Hayley asked." Jacob told dad about himself" Bella said." you did what" Hayley asked." I solved a problem you were leaving. What did you expect me to do" Jacob asked." you don't realize the danger you put him in. The Voltouri will kill anyone who knows about us" Bella said." no I didn't tell him about you and Hayley. Only me j said you two were different" Jacob said." and that Hayley has a kid that she adopted" Edward said." I mean seriously Jake he is not just gonna let that go" Hayley said." Did you consider how much physical pain he'll put Bella and Hayley through? It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down their throat assuming they can control their thirst" Edward said." look Charlie's been through hell. And I know you two will be much happier with him in your life" Jacob said." Jacob don't pretend you are doing this for anyone but yourself because Hayley is leaving" Edward said." sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes" Jacob said." what" Hayley and Bella said. Bella and Hayley were inside getting prepared for Charlie to get here. Hayley already looked the same. They had to just help Bella. Carlisle told both the girls to hold their breath to help with the thirst. Soon Charlie arrived. Hayley and Bella sat on the couch next to each other. Then Charlie walked in and saw both of his daughters for the very first time. "Bella Hayley" Charlie said. "Hi dad" Hayley and Bella said. "Are you two okay" Charlie asked. "Never better" Hayley said. "Healthy as a horse" Bella finished. "You two don't turn into an animal too do you" Charlie asked. "They wish they were that awesome" Jacob said. "Let's give them some privacy" Edward said. Jacob, Edward and Carlisle walked out of the room. Charlie sat down on the couch next to Bella and Hayley. "Uh Jake said this was necessary. What does that mean"Charlie asked." I think it would be better if... " Bella started but was cut off by Charlie." I wanna know what happened to you two" Charlie said." we can't tell you" Hayley said." I think I deserve an explanation" Charlie said." you do. But if you really need one we can't stay here" Bella said. Charlie stood up." oh come on. No. No more going away" Charlie said." dad your gonna have to trust that for ever reason we are alright. We are more than alright . Can you live with that" Hayley asked." can I live with that"Charlie asked." I don't know Hayley I mean I just watched a kid I have known his entire life turn into a very large dog. My twin daughters who look like my daughters but doesn't" Charlie said. Hayley and Bella looked at each other and stood up." can you please just believe that we'll tell you anything you need to know" Bella asked. "And I don't need to know this" Charlie asked. "No" Hayley said. "Really you don't" Bella said. "Well, not gonna lose you two again. I can't" Charlie said." then you won't" Hayley said." We promise" Bella said. Charlie then hugged his daughters. With Hayley body heat it made Bella feel like she was normal." I missed you girls... So much" Charlie said." we missed you too dad" Hayley said. Then Edward walked in with Renesmee." Charlie"Edward called. Charlie turned around to see Renesmee in Edwards arms." This is Renesmee" Edward said. Hayley and Bella walked over to Edward. Edward passed Renesmee to Hayley. "My daughter" Hayley said. Charlie then remembered what Jacob said. "Right the adoption" Charlie said. "Renesmee" Charlie asked. Hayley nodded. "She's got your eyes Hay. Need to know I guess"Charlie asked. Hayley nodded. Renesmee began to gurgle and coo at Charlie. Soon Charlie left as Hayley, Bella and Edward waved goodbye. "Well done Bella and Hayley. Never seen a new one show that kind of restrain" Jasper said. "Not sure they are newborns. They are so tame" Emmett said. "Emmett don't antagonize them they are the strongest in the house" Edward said. "Please" Emmett said cracking his knuckles. Soon they went and did a arm wrestling contest. Both Hayley and Bella won. Then the sunlight was seen and both Bella and Hayley walked to where the sunlight was shining and it mad their skin shine. Soon enough Hayley was at her home. With Jacob and Renesmee. She was thinking about something. "Jake I think we need to tell Sam" Hayley said. "Yeah your right" Jacob said. Hayley got Renesmee ready and into a car seat and she got into another outfit.
Hayley outfit

Soon after a long drive to the reservation they made it to Sam and Emily house

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Soon after a long drive to the reservation they made it to Sam and Emily house. "I'll go first then you" Jacob said. Hayley nodded. So Jacob went inside to see his old pack. "Jacob" Embry said. Everyone turned to him. "Hey everyone" Jacob said. "So Bella is dead" Quill asked. "No she's not" Jacob said. The pack got confused but hoped what they heard about Bella being dead wand true because if Bella wasn't dead neither was Hayley. "So if Bella is alive where is Hayley" Paul asked. Jacob turned to the doorway and Hayley walked inside. "Right here" Hayley said. The pack eyes widen at her beauty. Vampirism really changed Hayley. Hayley then picked up something and walked in the house. It was a car seat. "Before we go on I need to explain somethings" Hayley said. The pack nodded for her to continue. "The child that Bella carried.. Was actually mine" Hayley said. The pack was shocked." so the baby we were trying to kill all this time was yours" Jared asked. Hayley nodded." She isn't what you thought she was. She is a Vampire human hybrid. I'm her biological mother. But she was conceived and carried by Edward and Bella. I'm guessing because at the time my body was weak to carry a child. But now I can have my own children" Hayley said. Hayley then got Renesmee out of the car seat. Renesmee was wide awake looking around." This is Renesmee" Hayley said. Renesmee smiled and gurgled at the pack. Sam walked closer near Hayley. Renesmee put her hand on Sam cheek and both Hayley and Renesmee eyes changed to yellow as it happened. Sam saw everything. Hayley was right. "Hayley right." Sam said. Sam looked at Jacob and held his hand out. Jacob accepted it. "I even have my own house" Hayley said. "Birthday gift from Alice" z Jacob finished. Soon the pack got to play with Renesmee and make her laugh. Hayley was happy. But would they last long?

Twilight: Hayley Swan < The Werewolf Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora