Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks

Start from the beginning

At the hospital

The sound of laughter immediately caught Zane's attention when he was about to reach the hospital room after a brief visit to discuss with Aria's attending doctor.

Recognizing the two voices, but not liking their unison joy, he opened the door and quickly entered the room.

'What are you doing?' Zane asked the man who was near Aria's bedside, chatting merrily with his wife. His voice possessing an interrogating tone, as his heart was irked by an annoying feeling of deja vu.

What could the two people possibly have talked about in the short time he was away, that their faces had become so bright. The cheeriness on the man's face almost made his eyes sting in jealousy.

'Ohhh... Zane, I just came by to visit Aria.' Malcom replied, clueless of his friend's displeasure. Well, the man was always stone faced, and brisk as he could be towards Malcom, so you couldn't blame him, if Zane's mood did not affect him. He was used to it.

What kind of network of information did this guy possess to find out so quickly that Aria was in the hospital? Zane was asking himself, a question brought about by Malcom's answer. At this point, Zane was currently forgetting that his friend was a doctor in the hospital and could find out from his colleagues.

'And what were you talking about?' Zane continued with his questions.

'I just brought her a book from my office to relieve her boredom, and we talked about the amusing plot. I am going to go now, I have some appointments still left for the day.' Malcom replied maintaining his cheerful atmosphere and headed to the door, but not before tilting his head slightly to gesture to Zane to follow him out.

'Thank you a lot, Malcom. Bye.' Aria thanked the leaving guest and even waved to the man who turned a bit and waved back. He was not at all feeling Zane's piercing gaze in his back.

The cold mechanical man was really irritated by the small friendship that was blooming between the two. Aria was really comfortable in Malcom's presence unlike when he was with her, and Malcom's one hundred and eighty degree change towards Aria did not make the situation better. He even bothered to think about bringing her a book.

'Zane, are you listening?' Malcom asked the man who was still silent, not at all answering his questions, since they had come out of the room.

'What?' He finally acknowledged.

'I was asking. Did an actress really wait for you in your office?' Malcom asked confused. He knew just how strict Zane was about his working place, not even Malcom would wait so nonchalantly inside his office for Zane, if he visited the main building of the consortium.

'Yes. How do you know?' Zane frowned, as a bad feeling crept inside his mind.

'Aria told me just now.' Malcom informed the man who frowned even more.

'She told you?' Zane asked hardening his voice. He did not like Aria confiding in someone else other than him. Not to mention, he got the feeling she asked Malcom because she was not convinced of his explanation, which really pained him more.

 'Don't be upset, she just confided that she did not know if there were any repercussion for the other people because of her. She told me you said you will handle them because of her, and she did not want to cause anyone trouble. You have to admit, just by looking at your face right now, who wouldn't know just how vindictive you are. Even though you usually seem so calm and stone like.'

Zane sighed and relaxed his stance, not knowing if he should feel better because Aria was starting to know him better, and thus knew that even if he assured her he wouldn't take revenge on them, he still would. Or should he be upset she asked Malcom about this, rather than him? Then again, if she had tried to convince him more, he would have just agreed on the surface, and behind her back would still do like he wanted to.

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