"YOU?!" It came out as more of a question than intended. Finn was ready to attack, a scowl on his face. Cassius was leaning heavily on a large pot plant. "Me!" Their laugh that followed turned into coughs and wince in pain taking a quick look at the gash on their side, their hand now covered in blood. Cassius was pale and sweaty, not looking like they could hold their self up much longer.

"Why are you on my balcony? I didn't even know you knew where I lived." Finn asked, concern in his voice, relaxing his posture. "I climbed." Cassius had a shit eating grin, trying to ignore their hair sticking to their forehead from sweat.

Finn reluctantly stepped forward, "its three in the morning." He huffed, to tired for this. "It's six floors up you know." Cassius huffed, gently flapping their wings before gasping in pain. Tears pricking the corners of their eyes, they weren't sure how long they could stay up right at how fast this was going. "What.... what happened to you?" Finn reached his arms out, concerned by the dazed look in their eye. "There is someone, he's my ex boyfriend and he's up to something. He came out of no where. He attacked me, asking me to join him. He.. he's very dangerous." They stopped to cough, pulling their hand away more blood was on their fist. "I just... I need help." Their smile never leaving their face, even though the pain in their eyes gave away their real emotions.

Finn didn't know how to respond, he took in Cassius' appearance. Blood was dripping off of their chin, their nose covered in blood and crooked, their clothes were torn and covered in dirt. Finn was almost sick seeing their wing, it was bent at a grotesque angle it looked like it caused excruciating amounts of pain. Before he could say anything Cassius collapsed. "Cassius!" Finn knelt beside them quickly pulling them up and carrying them into his room laying them on his bed.

He got to work cleaning the wounds and wrapping them up. Now came the part he dreaded, he had to snap their wing back in place to wrap it. With a deep breath Finn gently held the broken wing, in a quick motion and a crunch the wing was now sitting the way it should. Cassius flinched violently when this happened, not making any noise. Finn wrapped the bandage around the injured wing, a sigh leaving his mouth. He couldn't help but run his fingers through Cassius' dark feathers, they were soft. Finn smiled calmly, he didn't know how long Cassius would stay with him, but he didn't entirely mind. Looking over their shirtless body, he couldn't help but blush, noticing the scars that littered their torso from their past fights and raising a brow at the binder on their chest reminding himself to get them to take it off when they awake.

Finn went down to the kitchen, noticing how malnourished Cassius was, deciding on making them both something to eat as Finn hadn't eaten either that day. Deciding on a sandwich for them both, he started to make two ham and cheese sandwiches.

He cut them both in half and took them to his bedroom. He reached the closed door, hearing whispering from the other side. He stopped to listen, "why did I come here? He would never help me, I'm just the villain. He'll probably turn me in to the police. I need a fag." Finn opened to door, not seeing Cassius on the bed. He furrowed his brows, staring at it. "Over here." He heard them say from the balcony. He looked over towards it, seeing Cassius leaning on the wall next to the glass door outside, stopping them from falling.

He went over to them, noticing a cigarette in between their fingers. "You shouldn't smoke them, it'll kill you." Finn stated, handing a plate to the other, "guess I'll smoke more then." They chuckled dryly, taking another puff from it. "I'm guessing you're hungry, you are worryingly thin." Finn stated, eyeing their shirtless body. "Thanks." Cassius grumbled, glaring at Finn. "I didn't mean...... you just. I was worried when you collapsed and you weighed next to nothing." He spoke, taking a bite of his sandwich with a sigh.

Cassius glanced at Finn, why was he concerned about them? They put their cigarette out and through the butt into the flower pot, getting a glare from Finn making them smirk. Eyeing the sandwich, they reluctantly took a bite, that bite turned into two and carried on until there was nothing left.

Cassius looked at Finn, "why did you save me?" They asked, looking over at Finn. Finn just shrugged, "I couldn't let anyone die, even if it's you." He chuckled, Cassius just glared at him. "I would rather you let me die, I have no use to you. Maybe to get you extra credit but that's it." They growled sitting on the bench that was on the balcony, Finn sitting beside them. "How old are you?" He asked taking in their young appearance. "Oh, I uh.. turned twenty one a few weeks ago." They spoke lighting another fag and putting it between their lips. "You're so young, how long have you been alone?" Finn asked, worry in his voice coughing when Cassius blew smoke into his face. "Calm down, I've survived this long by myself. I can be out of your hair by tomorrow, I just came here to worn you of Tynan. I'll go back to my empty house.. where everything was stolen including my computers and probably food. I need to replace all of that, fuck sake, that's going to take a while. No food for a few days either." It had turned into them ranting to their self. Finn watched as they stressed over it, they now had tears in their eyes. "I have nothing now, if the others find out their gonna lose all respect for me." Finn considered his choices, knowing that he could get screwed over with this or gain a powerful ally. "You can stay with me for a while, until you get back on your feet. I won't turn you in, and if anyone finds out you're safe with me, they won't take you away." Cassius eyed him suspiciously before reluctantly agreeing. "Fine, I still don't like you." They laughed, Finn didn't know whether or not to take it seriously so he just laughed along.

Cassius flicked away their cigarette butt, "let's go inside. I have some clothes you can use for tonight, and take you binder off too. I'll lay some clothes onto the bed, I'll be downstairs when you're done." With that Finn went back inside immediately going to his wardrobe pulling out a large hoodie, large enough for their wings to sit comfortably underneath the fabric, and a pair of shorts. Finn threw them on the bed, "it's the only thing I've got that'll fit you." He smiled at Cassius who held a neutral expression "it's fine." Finn left the room, closing the door behind him.

Cassius picked the hoodie up, looking it up and down before a small smile made its way onto their face at the Pastel blue color of it. They were gonna like Finn's company.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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