The Paladin King part 1

Start from the beginning

But now the question Neia had is what happened to the previous king?. Did he die? did he got capture?. Asking more questions about this was probably unwise on Neia part. Who knows maybe that information was a state secret or something.

So Neia asked a different question and this question was rather important and quite relevant to their Mission here.

"So, how much does the Dwarf Kingdom pay for military assistance?."

"The news that got to me is more mining right, new trade treaty, and 200.000 pieces of gold coin plus any loot that was taken from Frost Giants will be ours."

That quite a fair price. Neia thought. Saving a nation from the brink of collapse should at least cost that at least must.

Neia now understands that the Paladin King is business savvy individual. This worries her quite a bit. What kind of prices did the Holy Kingdom must pay for salvation. Like the Vice-Captain said they are in no position to promise anything to the foreign King. Right now all they could hope for is a pity of the Paladin king as a fellow Paladin.

But still, no matter how high the price is they better be ready to pay for it. Their entire mission here is to seek salvation for their country and failure is not an option.

"Everyone may I have your attention pleased."

Neia and everyone else look at the riders. After making sure that everyone is paying attention the rider continues.

"Alright, then let me explain the rules before entering E-Rantel. Since your luggage has already been deemed safe and all of your paperwork are already been checked before at the border crossing post your entry to E-Rantel will be easier. But since this is your first time visiting E-Rantel you must follow the protocol given by guards especially for adventurers. Then I'll go inform the guards about your arrival."

After receiving an indication of their understanding of what he just said. The riders went to the gate flanked by a frost giant. He seems unfazed by them and just informs the watchman of the city to open the gate.

Once the gate is open the riders call out to them to come to the gate.

"Alright, raised the flag and held your chest high Paladins. Remember that you are the emissaries of her Majesty & her people."

All of the Paladin did what their Captain said flawlessly and they started to march to the gate while followed by the Blue Rose.

Paladin's main duties other than fighting force of the Holy Kingdom are for shows of force for the Royal Family and the Church of Four-Gods so they train countless times in marching and all kinds of stuff like that. But despite their training, it's still hard to maintain their cool when they passed the frost giant - who are stepped aside to let them passed them -. Still, they march on using every ounce of their strength to not break formation.

Once that ordeal was over they were greeted by a group of watchmen and the riders who are waiting for them. Under his helmet, they look like humans but they could be elven or another humanoid race.

"Greetings honored emissary I am the captain of the Watchmen of E-Rantel. The Riders have told me about the purpose of your visit here and Commander Rohseen already has Vouch for you. However, since this is your first time visiting E-Rantel you must follow the instructions. You don't mind, do you?."

"Certainly not Captain after all we are just a guest to his Majesty Paladin king domain."

"Excellent then, please dismount your horse and follow me."

After the Paladins dismounted they followed the watchman Captain to the huge door beside the gates. Going by common fortress City design inside this door was supposed to be a guard Barack. But then again Ainz Ooal Gown is being who defies common sense so they keep their expectations low so that they didn't surprise themselves too much.

It seems that their efforts were paying off. The room near the gate turns out to be a seminar room.

"Then, please take a seat and make yourself comfortable. An officer who will give a seminar will come shortly."

Then the Paladin and Blue Rose take their seat. The chair itself although doesn't look much but is quite comfortable.

"Ah yes, I must tell everyone here, please under any circumstances do not drawing your weapon here."

Paladin and Blue Rose look at each other and nodded to the watchmen. But it seems the watchmen are not satisfied with that response and reiterated what he said.

"Under no circumstances, you must draw your weapon!. Especially the foreign adventurers. If you do that at best you gonna be denied entry to E-Rantel while at worse you will be arrested and sent to prison or executed. Got that?."

His tone was changed from a welcoming tone to a stern one. Although the Paladin and Blue Rose were used to walk on the edge of death they couldn't help but get slightly taken back by his sudden change of attitude. Moreover, he actually dared to threaten an Adamantite rank adventurer pinnacle of humanity.

That Ainz Ooal Gown for you. Not many countries dared to threaten adamantite rank adventurers. Not even an emerging power like the Empire could but Slaine Theocracy who doesn't have an adventurer guild could probably do it. But still, for a low-ranking officer, he sure doesn't play around but why is he so serious about it?.

"Yes, we understand that thank you for reminding us," Lakyus said while smile at the guard. This helps calms him down a little bit.

"Ah, Then I'll be off. All of you just wait here a moment, please."

Before the Watchmen could leave the room. Remedios called out to him.

"Wait a minute, please. We would like to thank you for your guidance here. Gustavo!."

Knowing what his captain means Gustavo reaches out his back and retrieves a small pouch containing quite a bit sum of money. Tipping is common practice in this world be it in Human countries like the Empire, Kingdom, and the Holy Kingdom to Demi-Human and mixed country. It was seen as a sign of gratitude towards the receiving party.

"No, please allow me to refused. I already getting paid enough by his Majesty."

The Watchmen raise both of his hands to block Gustavo. Anyone whose sense is Sharp enough - Everyone that is present here - could sense a hint of fear in watchman expression.

Knowing that Gustavo gave up on giving money to the Watchmen.

Once the Watchmen leave the room went quiet while they waiting for the person who would give them a seminar.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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