The Paladin King part 1

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Not long after that, the great fog surrounding the ghost ship disappears as the pirate - now cargo - ship 'sails' away.

After seeing such a spectacle everyone - excluding the Riders - was left speechless. They wouldn't have imagined the elusive pirates of the Katze Plains were used to transport goods.

So that the power of Paladin king. Neia thought.

"Then everyone shall we continue?."

The riders ask. Everyone returns to their sense and return to their traveling position.

Not long after that, the outermost walls of the City of E-Rantel were spotted. This was strange for them because according to the map & information from their information broker the outer wall of E-Rantel was at least a couple of kilometers away from here. To be fair all of their information is quite outdated and they also heard of massive construction projects happening all around the city.

A gate made of strong metal in the middle of the wall. The gate itself was a work of art. The picture of a demon and an angel fight for dominance over the mortal world is engraved on the bodies of the gate.

Flanking the gate there are two majestic statues of great holy warriors. From what they learn about this country, that statues are made in the image of the Paladin king in his armor.

What even more eye-catching than that is two Giants creatures cleaning the statue like making already shining gemstones to be shinier. They diligently scrape every part of the statue like their lives depending on it.

Unable to contain her curiosity Neia Baraja - Who is riding behind the riders - asked the Riders a question.

"Excuse me may I asked questions?."

The Riders turn around and answer her.

"Please, by all means, Miss Baraja."

The Riders and Neia have already had a small talk before. So the tone of their conversation wasn't so stiff as the first time they talked to each other.

"Then, What are those?."

"The one cleaning the statues?. Ah, those are frost giant."

A surprised Neia trying to inquire further information. It was only natural that she was surprised after hearing the name frost Giants here. After all frost giant is legendary creatures that could rival even a mighty elder Dragon in terms of power. With no natural lifespan, they could accumulate power and knowledge throughout the years. A single one of them could theoretically destroy a country.

So Neia is asking the question that everyone who overheard or knows about the frost Giants is asking.

"How did they get here?."

The Riders proudly answer Neia question and explain:

"Oh, that?. Just one month ago after the Dwarven kingdom of the northern Azerlisia mountain requested military assistance against the Frost Giants invasion and now after a short war against the frost giant, they surrendered unconditionally. So right now the Frost Giants alliances are his Majesty vassal. The two Frost Giants you see are part of a 60 hostage taken as a guarantee for peace and Frost Giants loyalty to His Majesty."

"Are they important members of Frost Giants alliance?."

The Riders place his hand on his chin and think for a moment. Then he said:

"When I ask them, they said they are part of the royal family. The new king brothers, If I am not mistaken."

His story just got more absurd the more he told. Usually being from Heteromorhpic race & Demi-human race is has leader-type creatures as their leader. It's quite common to see that the strongest members of their race are chosen as their leaders. So in a certain point of view, human is strange because they choose the weakest as their leaders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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