chapter thirty four

ابدأ من البداية

"What do you mean 'it's not that important'?! You talked with your father, how did it go?", Karl's eyes were focused on the road again and the heartbeat of Sapnap was calming down, the heartbeat of the boy in the drivers seat doing the exact opposite.

"He was nice but that was clearly just a scam because at the end of the conversation, he told me to come over and have dinner. He had invited a girl over, actually the daughter of a friend of him. He wants me to meet her and get to know her".

Karl was gnawing on his bottom lip the whole time, his hands on the steering wheel only gripping harder. "And you said yes?".

"What? Of course not, are you out of your mind?", Sapnap chuckled and shook his head.

But his amusement faded away as he saw the serious expressions on his boyfriend's face. Their car was coming to a halt, the smaller one confused and surprised that they were already there. His head gyrated around to the drivers seat again.

"Karl, did you really think I'm going to meet her just because my dad wants me to? I don't like that girl, I like you", the voice of him was combusting the brunet and the way he accentuated the last three words was planting fires in the deepest pits of his stomach.

"You don't even know her yet how do you know that you don't like her?", Karl asked.

Sapnap sighed out loud and leaned his head back against the seat. "Little, there is no need to worry. I'll not meet that girl because I already have a partner that I would never leave or trade for anything".

Fear and also jealousy was still fighting against the fire that was flickering then in his stomach. He just hummed and turned the keys, pulled them out and left the car. He heard the quick footsteps of Sapnap running around the car to catch up to him. His hand took ahold of his wrist and stopped him from walking away.

"Karl, come on. Why are you so scared, you know how much I like you".

The older one let go of the breath he had hold for a few seconds now and his shoulders relaxed as he slipped his fingers inside the hand of Sapnap. The latter gripped the hand tightly, pulling it up towards his lips and planted a soft kiss on it. "Just so you know, i'll never let you go".

Karl's heart warmed and the corners of his mouth twitched up for a few seconds, showing a small smile.

"I love you very much", he said.

Sapnap smiled before he pulled the brunet towards the door into the full house of sweaty teenagers, drunk and clearly not with senses.


The smell of alcohol mixed with the smell of their own breath which was indeed smelling like alcohol as well back then. The younger one watched with a smirk on his face, how Karl titled his head back, the liquid in the small cup on his lips running down into his mouth, a little bit next to his pink lips. There were sweat drops on his forehead as he tilted his head down again and he wiped the drops of alcohol away from his lips with the back of his hand.

Sapnap couldn't help but stare, his eyes looking predatory and he watched with amusement how the blue eyes in front of him dilated as he placed his hand on the waist of the brunet. He pulled him closer, let their bodies touch tightly between all the bodies but they weren't this close to anyone else, just the two of them were placed that no one could even fit a paper between them. Sapnap had a coitus look on his face, his breath hitting the lips of his opponent.

Karl looked nervous and he did act like it as well but still, you could see the trapped lust behind his eyes. Ravenous was displayed in the green eyes in front of him and it was driving the taller one crazy. All he wanted to do was quenching it, giving him his whole body and his whole self.

When you're drunk || Karlnapحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن