"S-someones in there." "Oh okay." I pulled my gi out and took my spanks off leaving me in just my leotard.  "You! What the hell are you doing!" I heard someone yell.

"Nate said the restroom was full so I thought I would just slip my gi on out here." "J-just go change in the restroom please. Its empty." Eli said looking at the ceiling.

3rd person pov:

Kiara shrugged and walked off to the restroom and Eli finally broke and looked down at her ass as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Alright everyone fall in!" Johnny said coming out of his office with kresse.

"Everyone but miss Robinson on your knuckles and give me 50 push ups now!"

"What sensei why?" Miguel asked

"I saw all you little perverts looking at her ass and her chest! You menudo, I'm disappointed cause what the  hell happened to all that crap about equal rights and stuff!" Miguel looked down in shame
And started his push-ups along with everyone else.

Eli was pissed. His best freind was looking at his girlfriend like a piece of meat but he knew he couldn't say anything at the moment cause johnny didn't know about hawk and his daughter.

Soon kiara came out in her gi and went to talk to Aisha and the boys finished there pushups johnny gave them a five minute break.

"Dude! Why the hell were you staring at my girlfriend!" Hawk whisper yelled at Miguel. "Im sorry man, you know i didn't mean it like that. Shes like a sister to me and i kind of forgot for a second who she was! But dint tell me if you weren't already dating her you wouldn't have looked ." Miguel said defensively.

"Fine. I guess your right."

"Mr. Diaz, warm them up."

Kiaras pov:

"Fighting positions!
Front kick,yuh!"


"Forward strike, yuh!"


"Side jab, yuh!"

I was confused on why everyone dabbed and why it was so funny.

"What the hell was that?" My dad asked Miguel.

"We were just messing around, we have 11 and a half months till the next all valley."

"Yeah besides, we already know how to kick ass." Eli said with a smirk. "Stop it" I mumbled next to him.

"Oh yeah? So you think you know everything?"
My dad asked.

Aisha began to giggle and i mentally slapped my forehead.

"Whats so funny ms Robinson?"
"Im sorry sensei you just wouldn't understand." "Try me"  "its a snake do"

A snake what? Everyone else started giggling but i really didn't get the joke.

"Whats a snake do?" My dad asked.
Everyone but me put there hands like a snake and started hissing.

The man my dad introduced as kresse looked irritated which made my dad looked embarrassed and Johnny Lawrence did not like to be embarrassed.

"QUITE!" He yelled in aishas face which made her and everyone else hissing flinch.

In the corner of my eye i saw kreese eyeing me with the smirk since i didn't flinch or even move.

"5an Tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymor. If you don't show.. your off the team!"

I followed my dad to his office.

"Hey dad." "What kiara?" He sounded kinda irritated.
"Um i know I promised to rejoin karate but the thing Tomorrow morning. I cant go" i said nervously.

"And why the hell not."  "I have dress rehearsal Tomorrow for ballet." "Fine, whatever. But kid you need to figure out what the hell your gonna do cuz you cant just keep going back and forth. Thats not how life works." "I-i know daddy, ill see you at home later." "Bye kid." I kissed his head and walked out of his office and out of his dojo.

"Hey princess, Can we talk?" "Uhm yea, I've been actually meaning to talk to you." "Kiara why were you ignoring me yesterday?" "Why did you feel the need to lie to me yesterday?" "Kia i-" "Eli, I always tell you that all you need to do is be honest with me. You can do whatever you please but when i ask you something you need to be honest. You could've told me you wanted to see Sara-" "woah woah woah- Kiara no. Baby no, she just wanted to hang out and i didn't want you to think i was cheating if i told you. Baby I would never do that and you know that princess. Don't worry about her, i don't want her i want you."

"Eli, I'm so-sorry for over thinking it."  "Princess its fine. I would to. Are we good?" He wiped the tears that fell from my eyes and held my face in his hands "Y-yeah" i said with a smile as he bent down and kissed me.

"I love you kiara, don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too eli."

A/n : yallllll ik this chapters supper cheesy in the end but honestly ive had writers block and im trying to Build up to the climax perfectly that when it happens everything makes sense😩

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