Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey guys, in case you haven't realized, I have been trying to create the same "bond" that Vanya and Harlan had. So, essentially, you have powers. You can feel Vanya's emotions and it feels like you are connected (cause you have lived together for so long, her powers passed to you). But, Vanya can't feel what you are feeling because of the pills she is taking... So, yeah :) I guess you have powers transferred from Vanya to you :)

Your P.O.V.

All of us except for Five were sitting in the living room, looking at the footage of Grace in the room where Sir Reginald Hargreeves died. "I mean, do you really think mom would hurt dad," asked Vanya from beside me after the clip was played, voicing my own question. Most of the time, it felt as if Vanya and I were the same person. "You haven't been home in a long time, Vanya," said Luther, turning towards her. I kicked Luther in the back of the shin from where I cuddled next to Vanya, making him flinch a little. I felt a little lighter today than I had yesterday as if I had found something I lost. "Maybe you don't know Grace anymore," continued Luther, turning back to the T.V., making me kick him again and roll my eyes. 

"If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner's report," said Diego, finally saying something smart for once. "Well, I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes," said Luther, making me groan in annoyance. "Maybe the low gravity in space made you lose more than your brain cells," I shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding the gaze of everyone to keep my laughter in. I felt Vanya shaking with laughter, and I heard Allison chuckling and Klaus just laughing really hard. "Look closer," said Diego, offending me. I cracked an awesome joke, a bit of laughter would be nice. I stole some chips from Klaus, making him pout. "I helped you steal it," I whispered making him reluctantly let me take the chips. "Dad has his monocle. Mom stands up. Monocle's gone," said Diego, turning around to face the rest of us and walking near to the couches. "Oh yeah," Klaus and I exclaimed in unison, making me laugh and fist bump him. I felt jealousy course through my veins, but the emotion felt foreign as if I wasn't producing it. Shrugging it off, I turned back to Luther, who decided it was a smart move to open his mouth again. "Then where is it? No, I have searched the house, including all her things. She doesn't have it," said Luther, looking at Diego with confusion. Diego awkwardly looked at the ground before replying, "That's because I took it from her. After the funeral."

After a moment of silence, Allison snapped, "You've had the monocle the whole time? What the hell, Diego!" "Give it to me," said Luther, sticking his hand out with an annoyed expression on his face. "I threw it away," said Diego calmly, making Luther scoff and reply, "You what?" I ate the chips as I watched the drama unfold. "Look, I knew that if you found it on mom, you would lose your shit, just like you're doing right now," said Diego, pointing a knife at Luther. I immediately stiffened, getting a little anxious. "Diego, you son of a bitch," said Luther, walking to Diego while preparing for a fight. "Hey. No. Calm down," said Vanya, looking at me with concern. "Look, I know dad wasn't exactly an open book. But, I do remember one thing he said. Mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker, but... also as a protector," said Vanya calmly. I relaxed a little when I saw that the two men weren't gonna fight. "What does that mean," asked Allison, looking at Vanya with confusion. "She was programmed to intervene if someone's life was in danger," answered Vanya, looking around at every member of the family. 

"Well, if her hardware's degrading, then... We need to turn her off," said Luther decisively. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. She's not a vacuum cleaner you can just throw in a closet! She feels things, I have seen it," yelled Diego angrily and defensively, moving his knife around, making me flinch a little. "She just stood there and watched our father die, Diego," said Luther back, getting angry himself. "I'm with Luther," shrugged Allison. "Surprise, surprise," said Diego, turning to look at Allison angrily. "Shut up," said Allison, shaking her head a little. Everyone turned to look at Vanya. "I-- I don't--," stuttered Vanya, before getting interrupted by Diego saying, "Yeah, she shouldn't get a vote." "Diego, stop being stupid," I said, rolling my eyes. "I was gonna say that I agreed with you," said Vanya, telling me with her eyes to calm the fuck down. I huffed and stood next to Klaus against the pillar. "Okay, she should get a vote," said Diego, making me fume. "What about you, stoner boy? What do you got," asked Diego, pointing at Klaus. "Oh, so what? You need my help now? Oh, 'Get out of the van, Klaus!' 'Well, welcome back to the van.',"Klaus huffed. "What van," asked Allison. Luther shook his head and said, "What's it gonna be Klaus?" "I'm with Diego because screw you," said Klaus, making Diego more cheerful. "And if Ben were here, he'd agree with me," said Klaus emotionally. Suddenly, Klaus hissed at a blank place in the room, making me believe that Ben had disagreed with him. 
So that's three to two," said Diego, victoriously. 

"Vote's not final yet. Five's not here," interrupted Allison. Of course, they only care about family members when they are losing. "God, what is wrong with all of you?! You are the most selfish group of people I have ever met! You only care about each other when it is for your benefit. 'Oh, Vanya doesn't get to vote, but she is supporting me so now she does.' 'Oh, Five isn't here, but we are losing so let's call that out.'," I exclaimed angrily."How about you all pick up your act and act like a family," I exclaimed. I stomped out of the room and to what I assumed was Five's room.

 I paced around the room, angry at all the shit this family has done to each other, my mom especially. I thought about how the world as I know it was going to end in 6 days. I thought about all the stupid shit Diego and Luther do to each other. I thought about all the pain I went through with my father. I thought about the stoichiometry homework task my stupid chemistry teacher gave me. Suddenly, a vase in the room broke, snapping me out of the tidal wave of thoughts. I looked around suspiciously. There was no one there. How did the glass break? I shrugged and started cleaning up the mess. I sat down on the bed in the room and took deep breaths. I remembered all my training from therapy and started counting backward in threes from 100. Right when I reached 43, I heard gunshots from the lower floor. "What the hell is wrong with this house," I muttered as I ran down to the scene. Not a very smart move when you are literally living with a bunch of adults with superpowers.

I really should have stayed in my room.

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