Chapter 7

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Y/N - Your name

N/N - Nickname

E/C - Eye color

Vanya P.O.V.

"Shit, shit, shit," I muttered as I ran to class. Without Y/N helping around, I was late to class. I reached the class and sat down at my place. I felt ignored when the conductor didn't even notice I was gone. I felt abandoned and lonely again, now that Y/N was not at home. After practice, I went to the bathroom. I saw the violinist at first chair there. I complimented her on her playing. "What's your name again," she asked me. I replied. "Vanya, how long have you been stuck at third chair. At a certain point, it's not about practice. It's whether you have something special. And maybe you just... don't. You can put in you 10, 000 hours, or you can find something you're actually passionate about and stop slagging away at Stravinsky like a sad 13-year-old," she continued, looking at me intently. "Think it over," she said, leaving the bathroom. The feeling of worthlessness spread all over me. Even my own daughter prefers Allison over me. 

Then I remembered that guy who I was teaching, and happiness spread over me. Maybe I should go visit him.

Your P.O.V.

"N/N, let's go," said Allison as I continued to gaze into Five's eyes. "I'm coming, Allie," I said, waving my hand a little to tell her to carry on. "Ok, we'll be in the surveillance room," said Allison before leaving with Luther. Five left for his room a few moments after. I followed after him to see him in a white shirt, his arm bleeding out. I quietly came into the room. "Why are you always bleeding," I said, exasperated. "Where's the first aid kit," I asked him. "In there," he said, pointing at the bathroom. I pulled out the first aid kit. "Take off your shirt," I commanded, getting the supplies ready. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a blood-soaked wife beater. "Fucking hell," I said as I examined the cut. I started getting the needle ready. "This is gonna hurt," I said as I started stitching up his wound. 

 Sometime later, I had finished cleaning and stitching his injury. I pulled out a kiddie bandaid and put it on his stitched. I giggled slightly at the theme of the bandaid but stopped myself. "There, all done," I said, packing up the medical supplies and keeping them back in their place.  "So should I get you something to ea-," I turned back around to see him gone. "Five," I called out, leaving the room, not noticing the open window. "FIVE, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU," I called for what felt like the hundredth time. "He left, Mini Vanya," said Klaus. "Oh," I said, a little sadly. I MISSED OUT ON SLEEP FOR THAT GUY! "Hey, maybe he is back at that hospital," said Klaus, trying to cheer me up. I smiled up at him and said, "Maybe... Let's go, Klausy!"

I opened the door of the back of the van slowly and crawled in, Klaus following. I sat down just as the door opened and Luther sat down. In the process of sitting down, he threw a mannequin back in my direction. I managed to catch it and handed her to Klaus. Five seemed to be dreaming as Luther tried shaking him awake. "Luther, how did you find me," said Five, shaking out of his reverie. Luther nodded his head to point towards Klaus and me. I awkwardly waved as Five's eyes shone with confusion. "Hey, a little privacy guys. We're really hitting it off back here," said Klaus, holding the mannequin. I rolled my eyes, laughed, and said, "Come on, Klausy, leave the mannequin alone.

"GET OUT! YOU CAN'T BE HERE," yelled Five, making me laugh even more. "Any luck finding the one-eyed man," I asked as Klaus started dancing with the mannequin while singing. "What does the brat mean," asked Luther, making me glare at him. "Does it matter? She's a kid," he said, making me hit him in the back of the head in annoyance. "What did I tell you, kid? You're the same age as me right now. Stop acting so high and mighty," I huffed, making Klaus laugh from beside me. Five cracked a small smile before looking back at Luther and asking, "What are you doing here?" "Well, Grace might have had something to do with dad's death. So I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It's important," said Luther to Five. Knowing that Five was gonna throw a fit, I leaned back and started playing with my nails, pushing my cuticles back and chipping off the leftover nail polish. "Luther, will my mom be coming," I asked him, interrupting Klaus's story about chocolate pudding and butt waxing. "Probably not. I mean, she's not exactly part of the family," said Luther, making Five hit him on the back of the head. "First of all, pea brain, you have no tact. I mean talking about my mom like that in front of me. Second, isn't it time you grow up? Even I'm more mature than you, and I am a literal kid. Stop these stupid family-dividing feuds. You're a family, it's time you begin acting like one rather than fighting with everyone," I ranted. "Fine, I'll call her too," said Luther, looking annoyed. I fake smiled at him.

Klaus and Five chuckled, drawing Luther's attention to Klaus. "What are you still doing here," he asked Klaus, making me groan in annoyance. I legit just told him about how he is not acting as a member of the family, and the first thing he does is target another member of his family. Five looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror and flashed a smile, rolling his eyes after to show his distaste for Luther's action. I smiled back at him, blushing a little. Suddenly, Klaus slammed the door open. I smiled a farewell to Five before leaving the van too. "Hey Klausy," I said, making him turn around. "Hey, mini Vanya... sure you don't wanna stay with Five," he said, smirking at the last bit. "What are you talking about," I asked him, trying to divert his attention from my blushing cheeks. "Maybe about the fact that your cheeks are as red as a rose," he said before looking in a random direction and saying, "I know right, it's so obvious." "Who are you talking to," I asked Klaus, confused. "Ben," he replied nonchalantly. "Oh dam, THE Ben Hargreeves? I had really wanted to meet him because according to my mom he was very sweet, but... well, I can't talk to ghosts," I replied, smiling excitedly. "He's right over there if you want to say hi," said Klaus, smiling softly at me. "Hi, Ben! You're my favorite member of the Academy," I said, waving where Klaus had pointed. "He says hi and that he likes you a lot more than me," replied Klaus, chuckling. I smiled, glad to have talked to Ben in some way. "Now, should we go rob a store," asked Klaus, brushing his hair. "As long as I get to film a TikTok," I said, holding out my phone. "Ok, mini Vanya, get ready," said Klaus, leaning down into a running position. "GO," I yelled, running towards the nearby convenience store and stealing a whole bunch of chips, some coffee beans, and coke. We then ran out of the store, a policeman following after us and telling us to stop.

"HEY BITCHES," I yelled, adrenaline pumping through my veins. "LANGUAGE," yelled back Luther, making me roll my eyes. "STOP ACTING LIKE STEVE ROGERS," I yelled at him before running out of sight. I noticed the amused smile on Five's face while he was looking at me and couldn't help but blush.

Five's P.O.V.

"What the hell are you up to, Five," asked Luther as soon as Y/N and Klaus left. "You wouldn't understand," I replied frankly. "Try me. The last time I checked, I was still the leader of this family," said Luther, turning to face the front of the car. Tired of his leader-complex, I replied, "Last time I checked, I am 28 years older than you." I hoped for a moment that Luther would shut up, but he said, "You know what your problem is?" "Really hoping you'll tell me," I said sarcastically, really wanting to end this conversation so I could try to stop the apocalypse. I mean, sometimes it feels like these idiots don't even want to live.

"You think you're better than us. You always have. Even when we were kids. But the truth is you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have. And you know it," said Luther confidently. My family is all I have, but I couldn't let Luther realize that, so instead I replied, "I don't think I am better than you Number 1. I know I am. I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend. Just to get back here and save you all."

"HEY BITCHES," yelled a familiar voice, making me turn toward the source. Y/N was running down the street with chips in her hands and a policeman running after her and Klaus. She was really pretty and smart and her sarcasm was amazing. I couldn't help but develop a small crush on her, but she probably doesn't like a moody 58-year-old in a 13-year-old body. "LANGUAGE," yelled Luther from beside me, which I am sure made Y/N roll her eyes. "STOP ACTING LIKE STEVE ROGERS," she yelled back, making me confused. Who was Steve Rogers? Seeing her so excited made me smile. Soon, she was out of sight, leaving me with Luther. I still felt bad about letting her leave after Klaus hit her, but I really didn't have the time to deal with anything. 
I'm starting to wonder if it was a wise decision to come back," I said, looking at Klaus who was still in sight and rolling my eyes.

"It was a wise decision", I thought to myself as I thought about a certain E/C-eyed girl.

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