08 Thanks Man

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"Now what?"

Everyone glanced at the leader, void of any ideas. "We go inside and... see what's next" Though they were slightly uncertain, Felix nodded and pushed open the door. The place was filthy and dirty, nonetheless it wasn't suffocating or cold as the facility. Walking further, they arrived upon a junk-filled room and lots of other corridors directing to unknown areas. "Let's rest for a minute" BangChan announces making all of you instantly tumble to the floor. He slightly panicked if he said something to make you faint, but relaxed when he understood his members were being dramatic.

Before you found a comfortable spot, you proceeded to take off the thick hood and rested your butt against it on the ground. You had to admit that the white clothes did look nice on you. "I'll take a look around" Hyunjin gets up and walks away as the members' eyes followed his figure. Too exhausted to speak they all hardly waved him off. "You okay?" Jisung unexpectedly asks, moving his position beside you. As much as you wanted to chat, your throat didn't agree with you. Nevertheless you gave him a tight smile and nodded.

Most of the guys were awake, whilst you and Chan were feeling the most shaky. Since unlike the other seven, you were compelled to do duties while the rest just passed their time in the holding cells or in the maze. It was an extraordinary spectacle to see BangChan asleep. Moreover you merely saw him through your phones. Seeing him, all of them, still felt like a dream to you. Though the circumstances you were going through is tough, you couldn't help but appreciate it to an extent, except the mission portions. Jimin would be pleased if you say you're starting to like this.

"Guys?" Hyunjin emerged from the door. "I think i found... some... stuff?" You pushed yourself up but only to fall back, Han-quokka had pulled you back to the floor. "You and Chan Hyung should rest, we'll go and check it out" Not even wishing to oppose the offer, you leaned back onto the rusty wall. The members vacated the room and you were now laying on your back, occasionally checking to see if BangChan woke up or not.

Hyunjin lead the team to a different door, a bit bigger than the one they first found. Shoving it open, the members gaped at the sight that greeted them. It was enormous and spacious, with long huge pipes divding the room in to two. "It's not all" Hyunjin grinned and began to walk up the pipes, vanishing behind it. The rest followed him, climbing up the metal and landing behind it. Rows of wooden boxes were stacked on the ground, crammed with metalic weapons from guns to ammos. "I searched the area, it's all untouched. Meaning no one was here, or the stuff belongs to no one" Hyunjin said and jumped over a box of guns.

"So... we'll actually have to fight?" Changbin questions as he steps down from the pipes with Felix's help. "I don't know, maybe?" All of them share an anxious glance, starting to realise the gravity of the situation they were presently in. Though Stray Kids portraits a strong and shady theme, they are frightened to even hit a roach. And to fight with guns and bombs? Oh boi shits about to go down.

You didn't realise you were asleep until you woke up, typical. Your back felt sore as you got up and Chan was nowhere to be seen. You could hear the members chat in the distance, as if they were coming closer. Hauling your feet you stood up and saw that the sun was completely up by now. Striding out of the room, you saw the boys coming towards you and the aussie leader wasn't with them. "You're awake!"

"Where's Chan?" They looked taken aback for a moment before Minho spoke. "He's not inside with you?"

"You think I'll asks if he was there?" The younger ones let out a muffled laugh seeing Minho's offended face. "I'll go look outside" You said before walking off, hiding a laugh at the older male's expression. "I'll come too!" Hyunjin shouted after you, catching up. For some reason he liked to stick with you, Probably because you're a STAY, or he just doesn't want to be a part of Minho's rage frenzy. Giving a modest nod the both of you left.

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