02 Healing Therapy

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"Hi! Welcome to Magic Shop!"

The boys shared an awkward glance and you dumbfounded; stared at the blonde man. His blue eyes travel across all the boy's faces and stop at yours. His smile brightens as he suddenly pulled out a sheet of paper. Your brows furrowed as he rose it up in the air, motioning you to take it. Without a single thought, you took the paper. It seemed like you weren't gonna die and this blondie could save you.

You stared at the piece of paper, feeling the other men shift around the room as they all received a sheet. You were too busy reading to notice the men, who were Stray Kids, your literal reason to live. "Healing therapy Magic shop?" You read out loud and looked back up to the male. He just smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry but I should go" You tried to make your best apologetic face and decided to turn around. And oh boy, you screamed again, in pure shock. There stood the eight members, their masks were off now, showing their bare faces of night.

"Holy shit! S-stray Kids?!" Eight of them shared a worried and apologetic look. "You're a STAY?" Jisung asked making you slowly nod, still in too much shock to talk. "Oh my god! We kidnapped a STAY?!" Hyunjin dramatically drags his hand across his face, making his members roll their eyes. "Yeah well- wait Hyunjin is okay?! Thank God!" You gasped, covering your mouth. Seeing the two being dramatic, the boys stiffened a laugh, it lifted the mood a bit you could say. BangChan sighs for the nth time today before walking in front of you. "I'm so sorry, I kidnapped you. I didn't want anyone to know we were sneaking out"

Though you wanted to question why the leader himself would sneak out with his members, you just decided to forgive them for now. "It's okay, don't kidnap anyone now" you waved off before turning back to the guy at the counter and shoving the sheet back to him. "I don't want any therapy" He smiles widely again and answered. "I think you need it to miss. Your shoulder is hurt and the man you're trying to hide from is still out there"

All of you turn towards the door in sync, almost scaring the blonde guy. Through the blurred glass, you were able to see the person with the flashlight was back there again. "How did you know my shoulder is hurt?" You challenged as the mood inside the shop tensed up, the boys noticing the obvious only now. "I saw one of them kick you" He bluntly retorts making Minho take a few steps back, he hasn't apologized to you, and now you also turned out to be a STAY. Although many STAYs say that Minho can step on them, he doubted if you belonged to that category.

"Uh... you have a tap with running water or something?" You asked the counter guy, receptionist whatever; who was more than delighted to know you would stay. The rest of the boys also decided to look around, until the man outside was gone. The blondie points towards a closed door. Getting the idea of it being a restroom, you walked over to the door and closed it after entering.

As the guys walked around, Jeongin looked over at the portraits hung up. "Are they the therapists?" He asked, leaning up against the counter and staring at the vintage-style photos. The receptionist nods with a smile while Jeongin wondered if the guy won't hurt his cheeks. But then again it's none of his business. He just wanted to get rid of his boredom and now he's stuck inside a therapy shop. "Cool stuff dude!" Felix suddenly praises as he stared at the huge purple dreamcatcher, that was hung down from the ceiling. The man nods approvingly at the idol.

BangChan was so confused by now. The man outside was still flashing around his light in the same pattern as if he was being programmed. Or maybe he's just paranoid. And the next thing he worried about was you, who was a STAY and got kicked and kidnapped. He feared the outcome of his actions, whether you'll present them to the world as sneaky idols and bullies or just forget this whole incident. Minho was seated next to seungmin and was awkwardly staring at the sheet of paper, where they had to write their name and the therapy they wanted. He had a bit of trouble reading English but still did somehow.

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