06 Help Them

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Unlike the last time, you didn't fall flat on your face, or nor someone falls over you. Instead, you were cold. Forcing your eyes open you found yourself laying inside a white room, the brightness partially blinded you. You figured you were laying down and pushed yourself up. Though your head was spinning you were able to make out some rows of beds and a countable number of people were laying on it. Looking down you noticed how again your clothes were changed, now dressed in a complete white shirt and bottoms.

Beside you, someone shifted awake making you look over and see Jeongin, in the same clothes as you. "Where is this?" He asks as he looks around. Jumping down from the bed, you looked around to see the people laying there were none other than Stray Kids. "I-I don't know" You walked over to the nearest bed and saw Felix deep in sleep. Though you wanted them to rest, you can't let them rest in that much cold place.

A few minutes later everyone was awake and was looking around. Bang Chan sure was a great observer, within a second, he had immediately announced they were in district 9 much to all of your terrors. "You're awake I see" Jimin's voice was echoing inside the room. Turning on your place you saw him make his way towards you all. "I guess you already understood where we are?" He asked and everyone shared a look before saying out district 9 simultaneously. "Your mission would be a little harder this time"

Chan let out a sigh and spoke. "Just tell us the mission" Jimin showed a sympathetic smile and said. "You have to get out of here. After that, you have to stop the bad guys" With that just like last time, Jimin disappeared into thin air.

All of you had escaped the 'bedroom' and were walking through white hallways. Jisung, Felix, and Hyunjin were huddled together as they tried to suppress the cold. The rest were also sticking close to each other and you were in the front, trying your best to ignore the cold and concentrate on the escape. District 9's music video simply states how Stray Kids had escaped the prison-like place by breaking a mirror with a bus and creating a gang or something, inside what you thought was a warehouse. Then they all just dance in the water with burning junk behind them.

Out of nowhere, a loud siren rang, and a bunch of white hooded people started to gather around you nine. Bang Chan being the protective leader tried to back you all and stood in the front defending you a lot. However, he collapsed to the ground when a taser was stabbed to his neck. Wide-eyed you stared at his figure falling forward. "Chan!" Minho's yell was the only thing you heard before you blacked out too.

The hooded people proceeded to attack the rest, as Changbin quickly spoke up. "Okay, don't hurt us!" The men stopped and just decided to walk them, whilst some of them carried Bang Chan and your unconscious bodies. Minho, Hyunjin, and Seungmin were locked inside a cell, as changbin, Jisung and Chan were inside another one. Then the rest, you, Jeongin, and Felix were together. The hooded men walked away.

Jimin had watched the scenes taken action in front of him, and was feeling more defeated.

Thirty minutes later Chan had woken up and was worrying about his members. On the cell next to him, were you, waking up a bit too. The moment you sat up, the cell doors were open and three men came inside, in the same white clothes. They had their taser guns with them. Pointing the gun towards you and Chan, they motioned you both to walk with them while the cell was yet again closed with the members still in there. "Oh great! Now we don't have our leader and STAY" huffed Jeongin as he leaned back on the wall.

"Where would they be taking those two?" Seungmin asked no one in particular and stared at the closed door, which you two had passed. "They'll be safe don't worry" A sudden voice said making the members' heads snap up. "Jimin?!"

The blonde head showed a smile before leaning up against the cell with Jeongin and Felix. "They're taking Bang Chan and STAY to do duties" Stated Jimin. Though the members didn't know what the 'duties' were, they were relieved that the two were safe. "You disappear after saying us the mission... why are you still here?" Hyunjin asks as he eyes the man up and down.

Jimin pauses for a moment and looks away from the boys. "This mission could be a little harder as I said. That's why. Unlike Hellevator, you can get hurt here. And if you don't complete the mission... you could die if the injury is serious" Jisung gulped loudly at Jimin's now-given information.

"Will it change if you are here?" Asked changbin who was beyond pissed off. "Yes" Jimin answered before walking away without another word. Jimin didn't know how they could escape but surely wanted to be of help. The boys shared a confused glance and slumped back into the icy cold floor.

On the ground floor of the facility were you and Chan, forced to walk around. One of the men suddenly yeeted you to another corridor and walked forward. Struggling wouldn't do anything to you, so you nicely walked with him. Bang Chan watched as your figure disappear before he was dragged away.

Pushing you inside an elevator the guy pressed the button to the top floor, still pointing the taser at you. "Chill dude. It's not like I can beat you up" The man didn't say anything and continued to point it at you. After a few dead silent minutes, the lift had finally reached the top. As soon as the male slid open the door, you were met with a skin-piercing cold wind. The guy didn't budge cause he had the thick hood whilst you were wiggling like a pea in a pot. Looking around to your best ability you understood that it was a roof. Some more people with the same clothes as the guy were standing in each corner, followed by each carrying a white sniper.

The guy next to you motioned his hand around and out of nowhere another guy showed up with a white sniper and the same hooded clothes. He had harshly thrown the clothes and gun at you before walking away. The first guy again pushed you forward until you reached the ledge and he motioned you to put on the hooded cloth. Even before you could think you had put it on and was saved by the cold. He nextly set the sniper and turned to you. "Shoot anything that moves other than us" and walked away.

You have had held a gun before, with your dad being an officer, he had trained you to continue the family legacy.  But you were obviously restricted to shoot, you're a minor dummy. The gun was heavier than you thought and its surface felt cold against your hand. With shaky eyes, you looked through the binoculars trying to find something that moves. A few minutes later, something flew past your sight. Quickly shutting one eye and looking through the sniper's binoculars, in the distance you could see a small drone flying around. You thought for a second that it could be the facility's item. But they did say shoot anything that moves.

You internally cursed pressing your finger on the trigger. With a sharp breath, you pressed the trigger as a loud vibration went through your body. The drone fell downward with blinking red lights, making you sigh. Some men had turned their sight at you before continuing their watch out.

Jimin was currently outside the building, walking around it. His eyes however shot up when he heard a gunshot. His heartbeat fast, hoping none of you were hurt. His eyes suddenly caught the sight of a drone, falling and landing right next to his feet. Letting out a sigh of relief, the blonde walked forward until he saw a closed shutter. Immediately recognizing the thing, he paced towards it and pulled open the large shutter. Inside, stood a huge garage and in the center was a neatly parked grey-tinted bus. His shoes clicked against the floor as he ran around trying to find the key. On the corner of the room, his eyes caught a small shine. Walking towards it, Jimin mumbles.

"Sorry Master J, but I have to help them"

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