14. Butterfly Form Star

Start from the beginning

"Aah! Whoa! Whaaa! Star! Wake up!" I grab the chain and start climbing. I grab her ankle.


"I need you to fly us back to that portal!" I say pointing to it.

"Portal? Ohhh..." She grabs me and starts flying back. Her butterfly wings start to fade away, and the horns on her headband shrink to normal size. "Huh? Seriously?" Then she was back again. We were drifting in space. We floated past the portal. "Oh, no-no-no." Then Glossaryck appears out of the portal with a chain of cloths tied around him. "What?" I grab the cloth and we get pulled back to the portal. We were back in Star's room.

"Are you two all right?"

"Eclipsa! I am so glad you're here. Wait a minute. Why are you here?"

"I'm returning this little guy after he wandered into my tower."

"Eclipsa?!" I gasp. "Isn't she that ancient evil queen everyone's talking about? We don't trust you one bit!" I say pointing my finger at her.

"Oh, are you afraid I'll get my evil cooties on you?" I did my karate stance.

"Stay back, woman!" She imitates me.

"What's this? Some sort of sword hand dance? This looks fun."

"Don't come any closer!"

"Marco, she's really not dangerous."

"Aren't you adorable?"

"Who are you calling adorable?!" I did a chop and she did the same.

"Stop! I have had ten times my daily dose of weirdness in the last hour, so let's just call it a night, okay?"

"What?" I became defensive. "Y-Y-You can't just—"

"Nope." She starts pushing me out her room. "Nope-nope-nope-nope-nope-nope-nope-nope-nope." She slams right when I was out. Great. I wanted to knock but maybe Star's right. I sighed. I walked back to my room. I peel off my clothes and into PJ's. I didn't know I was that tired. I laid in my bed. I shut my eyes letting my dreams take me. 

I notice I was outside. I found some roses on the side. I walk along the small path.

"Now I wonder where my little sweetie went with my hat." I hear giggling. I look to the side seeing a bush but you can see a piece of the hat. Someone was hiding behind the bush. The women walked to the bush. Wait that looks like Eclipsa! Why is she in my dream?! She reaches over the bush. "Got you!" The giggling became louder. She picked up the figure. I lean to the side to see the hat covered the child's face.

"Aren't you just adorable? You wearing my hat." A giggle came out as Eclipsa held the child. She raises her hand to pick up the hat but before she could I felt weight on my stomach.

I shot my eyes open seeing the puppies jumping on my stomach. I sat up. Why am I having these weird dreams. First Heinous now Eclipsa. Why... After I only meant them once! It probably doesn't mean nothing. Yea. Right now, have to focus to help Star. Maybe I can find something at the market! I change will quick and head to the market. I look around. I speed most of my time there but pretty much I was spacing out. My head kept going to the dream. Why. I didn't know the sun was setting and some of the stores were closing. O no. I walked to one finding a type of glue. Industrial strength magic glue. Huh.... I bought it and head to Star's room. It was night now. Get my head out of the clouds. Have to worry for Star. She's going through something.

"Okay, so the chains were a bust. But how about...?" I show the bottle of glue.

"Actually, Marco, I don't need you to watch me tonight."

"Oh! Did you figure out how to stop transforming?"

"No, but I thought maybe I should see what I'm capable of or whatever." Star poofs up a new bed.

"Star, you don't know anything about this," I say worried.

"Yeah, and I'll never know anything about it if I keep trying to stop it. I know it's weird, but I really need to see this through, okay?"

"Okay, I guess. But could you at least take my dimensional scissors with you in case you get trapped?" I say pulling them out and gesturing them to you.

"Sorry, Marco, but if I'm gonna do this, I can't do it halfway."

"Okay, fine! I tried to help! No one can say I didn't try! Because I tried." I walk to her door. "So if you die out there, don't go blaming me, all right?" I say having the handle in hand.

"All right!"

"All right!" I saw angerly but it faded away fast since I was more worried than mad. I sighed. "Well... good luck out there." I close the door. I counted till I made it to 15 since I know Star falls asleep fast. I open the door and see the portal. She was gone. I walk in and pull the stool up. I sit down. Glossaryck hops back onto my lap.


"Yeah, Gloss. I'm not sure she can do this alone, either." I look back to the portal. Just be back safe Star. 

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