The Peaceful Drop

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Warning: contains themes of suicide.

Emotions are a crazy thing when you think about them. They can change in an instant, they can be affected by many things. They give you the highest of highs and the lowest of lows but, all in all, they amount to one thing, being fucked up.

These said emotions have led me to a rooftop in London and I standing on the edge of life and death. I feel as the crisp cool wind brushes against my skin, causing goosebumps to rise. The city is laid out before, every light illuminating the night sky. People below completely unaware of the world around them because they are inside their own. My thoughts begin to consume me as any totally sane mind would do. "You're worthless.", "He doesn't love you!", "Everyone knows you're a mistake.".

Tears begin to flow onto my flushed cheeks, the sobs beginning to take over. My emotions are killing me from the inside out and I just can't take it anymore. Why should I even try? What is the point of living if it is just pain and suffering? I hear the door behind me opening and I don't turn around because the thought of facing whoever is in the doorway is torture.

"Louis, what are you doing?" The voice behind me asks.

"Just leave me alone, Harry.' I reply.

"Why are you standing on the edge of the building?"

"Just go."

"No, tell me why you're up there?" Harry asks stubbornly.

"I said leave me alone Harry!" I yell at him.

"I'm not leaving Louis, so you can scream at me all you want but I'm not going anywhere." I feel his hand touch the small of my back, sending electricity up my spine.

"I just want to help."

"What if I don't want your help, Harry?"

"Why not?"

"Because I just don't want it" I tell him, walking away from him along the edge. My voice cracking with emotion.

"Louis, please come down from there. You're scaring me." His voice filled with sadness and tears beginning to form in his eyes. My heart breaks when I turn and look at him in the eyes. All the pain and sadness that I have caused him, only confirms what I have been thinking all along.

"You see Harry, this why I have to do this because all I do is cause people pain and I can't deal with that anymore."

"Louis, please don't. I love you." Harry whispers. The tears falling down both of our cheeks.

"No, you don't Harry. You feel sorry for me and that is not love, that's torture for both of us."

"I do love you Louis, please come down from there." His heart breaking right in front of me as he stretches his hand out towards me. I take his hand and pull him up on the ledge, bringing him closer to me. His face just millimetres away from mine, I could feel his breath as he exhaled. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. The kiss feeling as if it was the first one we ever had. Fireworks exploding inside of me but that didn't change my mind as to what I had to do. We linger for a few seconds before I pull away, looking him in his beautiful green eyes that I had fallen in love with the first I saw them.

"I'm sorry for all the pain that I've caused you. I am truly sorry."

"Louis, please." The tears pouring down his face. I wipe away his tears with my thumb and peck his lips one last time.

"I love you" I whisper.

"LOUIS, NO!!!" He screams.

Those are the last words I hear as I fall backwards. The wind rushing around me as I watch the windows fly by. I close my eyes and it all turns to black, finally at peace and free of this world.

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