Chp. 11

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I turned to y/n and nodded.

"Ned, can you make a distraction?" y/n said.

He nodded. "EVERYBODY LOOK AT THAT!!" Ned shouted, pointing at a window that faces opposite of us, causing everyone to look in that direction.

Peter quickly tapped his watch to get his suit. He opened the window and climbed out it. I took the bracelet out of my bookbag, and slapped it on my wrist. That's when the suit Fury gave me started to form over my body.

Peter was sticking to the side of the bus. He took my hand to help me out.

We now stood on top of the bus. Peter wrapped a hand around my waist and swung over to the door of the bus, with enough speed to kick the door open.

Everyone jumped to his action, startled.

y/n's pov

"SPIDERMAN!! And-?" Flash exclaimed.

I thought for a second.

"Athena." I said.

The teacher walked over to us concerned. "Spiderman, Athena. What's going on? Why are you here?" She said.

"Washington is under attack, and we have reason to believe your class is the main target. You are all in great danger." Peter said.

The whole class grew concerned.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom outside, and the bus started leaning forward. The class stumbled. Some fell forward, while others held on to their seats.

I quickly flew outside to see that part of the bridge over the water collapsed, and the front of the bus was now hanging over the edge. I flew back inside.

"We have a situation." I said.

Suddenly, the bus fell forward a little more. Students screamed.

"Everybody listen up. I need you all to stay as calm as possible and move to the back of the bus and sit down." I demanded. Everybody slowly moved towards the back, and sat.

Peter and I both went outside to try to move the bus off the edge.

Peter used lots of webs and wrapped them around poles on the bridge and onto the bus to hold it up. He went through every window and looped webs to stabilize the bus.

He did an amazing job, and the webs held. He went inside the bus to start to evacuate the students from it, when a car rammed into the back of the bus, causing the webs to rip, and the bus fell off the edge and started plummeting down.

Screams were heard from inside the bus.

"NO!!" I shouted. Peter was in there. I couldn't lose him.

I started quickly flying down past the bus, and students watched me in terror as I flew by the windows. I caught a glimpse of Peter in there using a web to keep him from falling onto the windshield. He too watched me as I flew down past the bus.

I was now floating right in the bus' path where it would fall. I held out my hands and purple formed around them. I used my powers to stop the bus midair before it hit the water.

I used as much strength as I could to push the bus all the way back up onto the bridge. I saw students' heads poke out the windows to see what was happening.

Some of them were cheering.

I kept applying more power, and finally, I got the bus onto a safe spot on the bridge. I landed, and the bus door opened and students started running out.

Peter exited the bus last and ran over to me. I couldn't help but hug him.

We walked on the now empty bridge besides each other cautiously.  

Caught in a Web - Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now