Chp. 8

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Me and Peter are sitting in the hospital waiting room. A nurse began walking over to us, and Peter quickly stood up. "Family of May Parker?" the nurse asked. Peter wiped a tear, and quickly nodded. "I am sorry to say this...but she didn't make it. I am so sorry for your loss. You can see her one last time if you'd like." The nurse gave a sympathetic look before walking away.

Peter looked shocked. I stood up, and wrapped my arms around him. "Peter I am so, so sorry." I squeezed.

He took my hand, and began walking towards May's room.

We entered the room slowly. He stood by the side of May's bed and stared. Tears were rolling down his cheek.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He mumbled.

We began slowly walking out of the room when a stretcher came zooming by, several nurses running on each side of it. There was a girl, our age on it. I immediately realized who it was. "MJ!!" I shouted.

Peter looked confused, but soon realized when he saw Ned run into the hospital.

"Ned, what's going on??" Peter asked.

"Some guys jumped MJ and stabbed her several times." Ned said, out of breath.

Peter's eyes widened, and looked at me. He ran after the stretcher. Ned was about to follow, when he saw May in the room behind us. He looked at me confused. "Some guys shot her. She didn't make it." I said quietly. Ned looked away slowly, and began jogging after the stretcher, me passing in front of him through a run.

I quickly caught up to the room MJ was in. Peter was sitting on the floor outside the room, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. I took a glimpse inside the room, and saw the nurses covering MJ with a blanket. That's when I realized.

"Oh Peter..." I sat next to him.

Ned came running up, and came to a halt. He looked at Peter, then me, then went running into the room MJ was in.

I could hear Peter's cries. I wrapped my arm around him. And lay my head into his shoulder. "My father won't get away with this." I reassured him.

Peter looked up. "He's going after everything I love. Everybody I care in danger, and it's all my fault." He said getting angry.

"Hey, it's not your fault." I said, rubbing my hand on his back.

Ned came speeding out of the room, gasping for breath.

"Ned?" I looked up and asked.


projector..." He said while trying to catch his breath.

"Words Ned words." Peter said.

"Right sorry. May and MJ aren't actually dead, but in some form of deep sleep. Let me show you." Ned said, gesturing to me and Peter into MJ's hospital room. We exchanged nervous glances, before following him in.

He flipped his computer towards us. "You see, by analyzing MJ's tests, she has no heartbeat, nor is she breathing, but if you further study, she has no heart at all. As a matter of fact, it appears as if she has no insides, but is completely hollow. Something here must somehow be disrupting all technology in this room, in order to give the appearance MJ is dead. If only I could..." he said before jumping up. "AHA!! I found it, now to just..." he removed a wire from a black earing looking thing, and suddenly on the heart monitor, MJ had a heartbeat.

Peter had a confused look in his eye. "But this area is restricted, the only way somebody would've planted that unnoticed is if..." he began. "One of the 'doctors' planted it." I finished.

Suddenly, the door was thrusted open, and a doctor walked in. He cocked his head. "You guys don't have an appointment." He said and almost simultaneously pulled out a gun and proceeded to shoot at Peter. I quickly stuck out my hand to stop the bullet from hitting him. Ned's face changed from horror to confusion, before ducking behind a table.

Peter pressed his watch and a suit started forming over his body. I looked back at the crazy 'doctor.' I used my powers to fly behind him. He threw a punch at me, but Peter webbed his fist and yanked him back before the man could hit me. While falling back he dropped the gun and I kicked it under the hospital bed. He said something in an earpiece, but nobody could make out what he said. I used my powers to fly him into the ceiling, then dropped him back on the ground knocking him out.

Peter pulled a black mask out of his bag and handed it to me. I tied it over my face to conceal my identity. Ned stood up slowly.

" GOIN ON?" he said looking at me.

"He knows about you?" I questioned Peter.

"Yeah he's known for a while." Peter nodded.

"Ok well we gotta move." I said gesturing to the door.

We all ran out, but stopped to the sound of a stampede behind us. We slowly turned around to reveal an army of men all pointing guns at us. "NOBODY MOVE." One of them shouted at us. "HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM." We all obeyed his words and put our hands up. "DROP THE COMPUTER AND KICK IT TO ME." The man shouted at Ned. He turned to Peter, and he nodded. Ned slowly put the computer down and kicked it over to the men. As they picked it up, I felt a pair of large, strong arms wrap around me from behind. I was lifted off the ground and carried over to the group of men. "LET GO OF ME!!" I shouted. I was squirming in the big man's arms. "LET HER GO!!" I heard Peter shout. He was about to fight the men when I felt a gun barrel against my head. "Try anything and she gets it." The big man said mischievously. "Do I get a say in this?" I asked mockingly, still struggling in his grip. He rolled his eyes. "This is your last warning. Let me go." I said very seriously. The man suddenly had a frightened look on his face, which I wasn't too sure why. 

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