Chp. 3

136 2 4


Oh my god. I was really brave enough to ask for his number. Does this mean I'm his friend? I add the number to my phone.

Peter Parker


Hey! It's Y/N!! :)


Oh! Hi Y/N

Make it home yet?


No, not yet


Geez. how far away do you live lol


Not too far, but I'm walking a little

slower because I am texting you


I guess that's fair.

We were texting all the way until I got home. I unlock my door with my keys, and call out to my dad to see if he is home.

"Dad?" I called out.

No response.

"Dad?" I called out a second time.

Still nothing. I assumed he was in another conference with his employees. I set my bag down on the floor next to the door, and walk over to the fridge. As I peer inside, I see a box with my name on it. There was a note on top.

Hi hunny. I hope you had a good first day. I probably won't be home until after you are asleep, so here is something you can eat! I love you.


I put the box in the microwave for 7 minutes to heat up. As I waited, I sat at the table and took out my phone. I continued to text Peter.

7 Minutes Later...

The microwave began beeping, letting me know it was down. It scared me so bad, and I flinched at the sound, causing me to throw my phone up in the air.

"NO!!" I screamed holding my hand out like it would stop it.

The strangest thing happened though. It did stop. My phone was floating in mid air. I grabbed it out of the air, and looked at it. I was so confused I nearly forgot about my food.

"How..." I mutter to myself inspecting the phone.

I think for a minute, trying to figure out how I did it. I try to recall everything that happened.

I flinched and dropped my phone. Then I held my hand out to stop it and it did.

"Was it me?" I asked myself.

Then I got an idea. My food was still in the microwave, so, if it really was me that did it, I should be able to open the microwave and get my food out from where I was sitting, right?

I looked at the microwave, and took a deep breath. I flicked my hand in the direction the microwave would open and... IT OPENED!?

I was in awe. What the heck?? I then moved my finger at my food in the microwave, like I was calling it, and it came right to me. What was happening? How was I able to do this? Am I dreaming?

I didn't know what to do.

After I did some thinking I decided I am going to keep my powers to myself. It is safer for everybody that way. 

Caught in a Web - Peter Parker x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ