Chp. 9

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Peter's POV

"This is your last warning. Let me go." Y/N said seriously. Suddenly, her eyes went purple. The man was startled by this, and it showed, but he didn't back down. She became angry, and a purple glow was forming around her hands. I saw Ned's eyes quickly widen. She shot a glowing purple ball at the man, causing him to go flying into the wall, leaving a dent. Several men started charging at her, but she disappeared into thin air. They all stopped in their tracks. "Hello." She said from behind them before sending chairs flying towards them, knocking most of them out. One man managed to get his hands on a gun and shot at her, but she stopped the bullet midair, and dropped it to the floor. The man immediately dropped his gun and tried scrambling away, but Y/N just sent him tumbling to the floor, before flying a chair at him, knocking him out on impact. Her eyes went back to her natural (y/e/c) eyes, and the glow around her hands faded.

I ran over to her quickly. "What was that??" I asked her.

"I-...I don't know...It all just came to me, like I had been practicing for years, but I've never done that before."

Y/N used her powers to pick up and give Ned's laptop to him.

"Coooool!!" he said grabbing the laptop out of the air.

"We gotta keep moving. Who knows how many armies are here, plus, we have a field trip tomorrow." Y/N said looking at me. I looked back down at my feet and continued running. We were basically running right into the person that wants me dead the most, and I am bringing my entire class there as well, endangering them.


I finished packing up for the trip, and as if on que, there was a knock at the door, which I presumed to be y/n. I opened the door for her. Gosh she looked beautiful. She stepped inside.

"You ready?" she said as I closed the door.

I looked at my feet.

"Hey," she started putting her hands on my shoulders. "It will be ok, we will find May and MJ and take down my father once and for all." She reassured me before pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged back,which felt very comforting. We eventually let go. She just stared in my eyes for what felt like forever.

y/n's POV

We stared. I felt like I was transported somewhere. Somewhere safe, comforting, warm. I never wanted to leave. I was snapped back into reality when Peter yelled, "The bus!! It's gonna be here in 1 minute!!"

We both grabbed our bags, Peter made sure he had his suit, and we ran out the door.

Right as we got outside, the bus pulled up and a teacher stepped out. She held out her hand, and asked for our permission slips. We handed her our slips and got onto the bus. The doors closed behind us, and we sat in the back, where I took the window seat.

I watched the city fly by as we drove. And before we knew it, we pulled up to the hotel. I knew my dad was somewhere here, and I didn't really want to find out. We all started getting our stuff off the bus and we ventured off to find our rooms.

I entered mine, and there was a black briefcase on my bed.

I walked over cautiously, and opened it slowly. On top there was a note.

'Figured you would need this. -Fury' It read. 

I set the note on my bed, and lifted up the other item out of the briefcase. It was a purple and black suit with a black mask!! (Think of Black Widow's black suit but add purple accents.) 

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