Chapter 13:Dragon Blood

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Now after finding out the reason Clair betrayed DJ he has now forgiving her and accepted her love has now DJ has himself a mini harem(A/N:Just gonna say if I would have thought of podding more SK characters I would have made Senran Kagura female character be DJ main girl and Ashley wouldn't have come but question what do you guys think of Ashley I know she hasn't appeared much but what do you guys think of that Oc I would like to know)the first day of the tournament ended and 12 trainers have already move on to round two to 3 on 3 battles but now let us begin

3rd person P.O.V
Has the first day leave the second day comes and the tournament is starting has people get there seats and trainers sit has well and wait for there turn to battle has the two host and guys of the commentary enter the room and take there seats has Tim smiles had he looks room he's lost all the people there

Tim:And Good morning people of the regions!!how are you do day are you ready to see more battles


Has the people cheered and said Yes very loud

Tim:Alright then let's begin

Mitchel:Turn on the Shuffler let's see who's today's first battle!!

Has the screen turn on showing the two shadow figures and question marks on them has they turn on and move showing different faces has it stops it shows the first two trainers

Mitchel:And today first battle of the second day on the tournament will be a very heated battle wouldn't you agree Tim

Tim:That you are right my friend is a battle between Malva elite four of Kalos! vs Kanto's fire gym leader Blaine!


Far away from the stadium are three dragon masters who are riding there Dragonite this are DJ,Clair and Lance has they fly trough the skies

Lance:So tell me again why we are going to some cave and not go see the battles in the tournament

DJ:Well if you must know Lance after I forgave Clair today at morning I told her that I wanted to show her some dragon history I fond here on Siblion region which a reason I stayed her

Lance:Okay so now why I'm here because I kinda feel like the third wheel

DJ/Clair:You we're always the third wheel

after they said that in Union Lance anime cries after what DJ and Clair said to him

Lance:You guys are mean

DJ:But if you must know Clair wanted you to come to see this has well I didn't want to bring you and I was gonna protest but I would like not the get whip please

Lance:Wait what

Clair:You didn't have me choice

DJ:What you mean you didn't have any other choice ever heard of puppy eyes

They talk the hole way there after few more minutes they finally reach there destination has they land in front of a big cave

They talk the hole way there after few more minutes they finally reach there destination has they land in front of a big cave

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