Chapter 12:Confession

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And there goes another battle a battle between old friends Daniel and Clair battling dragon vs dragon with DJ and Hydreigon coming on top and has the battle ended and the tournament continued DJ and Clair left the scene to more private area to talk with Ashley and Sabrina following them

Azure P.O.V
After we got dinner we returned to stadium seeing DJ and Clair battle has now I see him approaching Clair and then they started walking to the exit

Azure:*mind*is he going to forgive her even after she betrayed him but why

Has I then felt someone touching my shoulder I look to my left and saw the girls with a concern look

Miyabi:You okay you seem to be deep in thought and your staring at DJ a lot

Azure:Oh don't worry it's nothing

Hikage:Are you sure

Azure:Yeah don't worry wait


Azure:Where's is Ashley

Has we look at where she was setting and she's not there has then we turn to each other and shrugged it off has I heard Mitchel speak

Mitchel:And here they are round 5 battle the sexy ladies of Johto and Sinnoh

Tim:Watch yourself Mitchel don't want people to see you has a pervert for saying that out loud


Tim:Don't worry about now on one side we have Johto strongest elite four is the dark type specialist Karen!!

Mitchel:And on the other side is the battle frontier brain of the battle arena is Dahlia!!

I see the two girls coming out of the entrance/exit has I hear the cheers has the two girls smile and wave at the people

Clair P.O.V
Right now me and Daniel were out of the stadium we we're now in his dorm room that the tournament made seen the League build and apartment for the trainers of the tournament and there companions has he sits beside me in the one bed that's in his room the room was silent neither of us talk so I decided to break that silence and I won't lie I'm nervous of what's about to happen

Clair:*nervous*So what did you want to talk about


I heard him call my name with a calm voice which made me skip a beat and made me blush a little

Clair:*nervous blush*Yes Daniel

Daniel:Why did you betray me

Has when he ask that I was big surprised


Daniel:Why did you betray me and join the elders Lance I can understand a little bit you how can you after everything we have done together why did you betray me

I was surprise but then I was now sad after he ask that

Clair:I-I didn't have a choice

Pokémon:The one that was betrayed by all but came back with moreWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt