Chapter 7

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Nobody's Pov (earlier that week)

Sirius sat in the kitchen of number 12 grimmauld place. He sat next to Remus. It's been years since the night they were separated and they lost Val. Neither of them have talked about her.

It hurt to think of all they could've done to save her. Both blamed themselves for what happened with her. When Sirius heard what happened to her he had already been caught.

It was after his trial when he asked to talk to Val one last time. Remus couldn't bear to tell him. So the minister of magic did. In that moment Sirius felt like the world had fell apart.

He broke down and in Azkaban he spent every moment thinking about what he could've done to save his friend and the one that will forever haunt him Val. She was the closest thing to a kid he has before Harry came along.

They both sat in a comfortable silence until music comes from the dining room. At first neither think anything of it.

Until an all too familiar voice started to sing along to it. Valerie's voice started singing Careless Whisper. Sirius and Remus exchanged glances and both scrambled into the kitchen.

Ginny looked up confused with a little music box open doing her summer assignments.

"Where did you get that?" Sirius asks trying to keep is composure. Remus took Sirius's hand to calm him down even though his heart had just dropped in his chest.

"I found it when I was packing. Why?" She asks

"That's Val's." Sirius says under his breath before storming back into the kitchen. He punched the wall angrily but as quickly as the anger appeared it disappeared. He sunk to the ground holding his head.

Mrs. Weasley came down into the dining room.

"What's all that noise?" She asks

"I don't know Sirius was upset about the music box." Ginny said

"It used to belong to someone very close." Remus says

"Oh dear, turn it off Ginny. I don't want to hear it again." Mrs. Weasley scolds.

"Okay." Ginny answer

Remus quickly entered the kitchen to find Sirius on the ground. His knuckles were bleeding and he was using the back of his hands to wipe away tears.

"It's my fault, if I would've just stayed there that night she'd still be here." Sirius says not making eye contact with Remus.

"It's not your fault. If I would have just watched her closer and been quicker reading that damn letter we both could've seen her grow up." Remus says tearing up.

"Imagine if we could've sent her to Hogwarts." Siruis says

"She'd be the best student Hogwarts has ever seen." Remus says offering Sirius a hand.

"She'd be a troublemaker." Sirius says taking Remus' hand. Remus pulls him up and the both take a seat on the stools.

Remus chuckles to himself, "She'd drive Mcgonnagal crazy. We'd have to go to parent meetings every other day because of her antics."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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