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Remus laughs as the little brunette girl runs to her room with a shopping bag. She is no older than eight yet and she's already been through hell and back.

Sirius found her on the street a few months ago. Oddly enough she wasn't sick. She was well taken care of. Of course neither of them knew what she was apart of.

The little brunette girl was also known as the Fallen Dove. The Fallen Dove was the anonymous kid who took down four or a hundred deatheaters at once, it depends on who you ask.

Her name came from the press, when she was first spotted. She didn't like the name, sounded too cheesy but it caught on and she couldn't care less. She was going to stop the deatheaters no matter what she was called.

Most people say it's a legend. Others have actually seen her. She of course hasn't been spotted in months. Ever since Remus and Sirius took her under their wing.

"You really didn't need to buy her that." Remus says

"Oh come on, you know how much I love muggle traditions! It's only fitting that our little girl gets to participate. I wonder if James could make it." Sirius says

"No, he's in hiding remember. Next year maybe." Remus answers

"Papa! Look!" She says letting the name slip. She doesn't catch it but the two men do. Sirius smirks at Remus who is standing there in shock.

The little girl wears a cheap princess dress. At the store she insisted that she was going to be one when she grows up.

"Valerie! You're going to make an amazing princess!" Sirius exclaims lifting her and spinning her around.

Remus smiles and Valerie runs to get her trick or treating bag that they bought well they were at the muggle store.

"Let's go get some candy losers!" She yells running out the door.

Remus runs after her grabbing her small jacket last minute. Sirius laughs as Remus tries to get her in the jacket. She runs around the front yard avoiding Remus with an odd ease that no eight year old should have.

"Come on Val, Sirius is wearing a jacket!" Remus calls

Sirius straightens his jacket to prove to the girl that he wasn't lying. She smiles and stands still.

"Seriously! Why do you listen to him!?" Remus asks

"First of all I'm not Sirius, he is." Val says, "Second, Sirius is cool."

"Hear that Remus? She likes me better!" Sirius says proudly.

"I didn't say that. Remus can actually cook. And personally I like having edible food." She says taking both their hands and leading them to the sidewalk.

"I'm offended." Siruis overdramatically puts his free hand to his chest.

"Don't be, neither of you are first favorite. That's Lily, she has cool hair." She says skipping to the nearest muggle town.

"But we're above James and Peter right?" Remus asks as they get to the driveway of the first house.

"That is still up for debate." She says sounding like Mcgonnagal if she was shrunk down into a eight year old's body.

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