Chapter 5

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Charlie's Pov:

We sit in my living room, she is resting her head on my chest. I can't take my eyes off her. She's stunning, I can't believe she's right here with me.

It's been a week since the flower field. She's slept over ever night of the week. I don't think I've ever seen her smile so much.

I think I've convinced her to stay in Romania. She hasn't confirmed it yet but I have a feeling she's made her decision.

I kiss her lightly on the top of her head. Then a realization hits me. All this time getting close to her and I still haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet.

I assumed we are already official but Ginny has made it very clear that girls need to be asked for it to be offical. She told me when she was eleven so I'm not sure if it still counts.

"Val?" I ask

What if she says no? Maybe she doesn't want to date me. She may just be one of the people who don't date. There are so many ways this could go wrong.

"Charlie" She answers smartly

My heart is beating out of my chest. If she says no I don't know what I'd do. I've fallen in love with her. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone.

"I uh, was wondering, if you would like to make this offical?" I ask

She is silent for a moment and all the worse case senerios flash in my mind. She may hate me, it may have just been a fling.

"Of course." She whispers and I almost jump for joy. She kisses me lightly. My heart flutters in my chest. The butterflies in my stomach haven't bothered to go away since I've seen her.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to ask that." I whisper. It's been a long six months. She's been the only thing on my mind.

She blushes and I make a mental note to thank Ginny. Val snuggles into the blankets and I chuckle. She looks like a niffler burrowing in a pile of coins.

"What's so funny?" She asks

I shake my head, "Nothing." I say tucking her hair behind her ear. It always seems to get free. I think this week was the first time I've ever seen her with her hair down.

"Are you staying?" I ask carefully

"Of course." She answers as if it was never a question.

"I knew the flower field was a good idea." I whisper to myself.

"I'm not staying for flowers those are everywhere. I'm staying for a certain boy." She answers

My cheeks heat up and I know I'm blushing.

Valerie's Pov:

I don't know what happened. I don't know how Charlie managed to make me blush. All I know is that I can't leave. He's here. And wherever he is is where I want to be.

For the first time in years I have someone who makes me feel wanted. I've always known that I was worth the world of course. But that's why it was always so easy to move away. I never had anyone to leave behind.

The Black Dove~A Charlie Weasley Love Story~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt