Chapter 4

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Valerie's Pov:

I sit in the break room in the dragon center back in Romania. We got back yesterday. I went straight home to unpack.

Charlie walks in with a skip in his step. He seems happier than normal. He holds one hand behind his back as he sits next to me.

"What do you have there?" I ask

He pulls a flower out from behind him. My jaw practically drops, no one has ever given me flowers. I picked them for Sirius once but I never received them.

"To start off your week off." He says

"Wait really for me?" I ask trying to hide the smile that has take over my face.

"Yup!" He says handing it to me.

"Thank you! You know your the first person to ever give me flowers." I say hugging him.

"Seriously, I would think at least one guy would get you flowers." He says hugging me back.

"I wish."

He breaks the hug first but I wish he hadn't and I hate myself for that. I can't catch feelings. I really can't, I never have before why should I start now.

"So, this week do we use some vacation days and I can take you out to see Romania." He says

"Yes! I've been wanting to go and do a little bit of sightseeing." I say practically jumping out of my seat.

"Well come on." He says offering me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. As we leave the room we pass out boss.

"Where are you two going?" He asks

"Spontaneous vacation week." I say confidently.

"These are coming out of your vacation days." He says

"Deal!" Charlie calls back as we run out of the building.

The sun is barely rising as we leave. I guess it's good we have to show up at work at ungodly hours of the morning. We'll have the whole day.

Charlie runs his hands through his hair and my heart skips a beat. His stupid smile is contagious and I find myself trying to hide mine.

"Well what do you have planned today?" I ask looking away, what's come over me. I'm literally a trained assassin and some ginger is making me blush.

"It's a suprise."

I hate suprises, I've never had a good one. Suprise ambushes, suprise orphaned, and suprise betrayed. No that's probably just me. Not relatable to most people.

He covers my eyes as we aperate away. I hate side aperating it makes me feel so powerless. He slowly lifts his hands from my eyes

I gasp, there is a field of flowers. The rapidly rising sun shines on them making the view that much more beautiful. I turn around and Charlie looks at me expectantly.

"Well what do you think?"

"It's beautiful!" I exclaim wrapping my arms around his neck. He spins me around and I giggle. Ew.

The Black Dove~A Charlie Weasley Love Story~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat