The team sighed heavily as they got on the plane to return to Quantico. After 5 straight days, they had found the unsub, and fortunately saved their last victim, before it was too late.

Reid plopped down in the armchair and closed his eyes, ready for some well deserved rest. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Morgan.

"Hey pretty boy, what's up?" He asked, a hot coffee in his other hand.

"Nothing. Just tired." Reid replied as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. Morgan pouted his lips.

"Aww, is it time for beddy bye?" He cooed, chuckling. Reid couldn't help but grin. 

"Yeah, I guess. Wake me when we get home, okay?" Reid said.

"I will." Morgan promised. He ruffled Reid's hair and walked off to the couch, popping in his headphones to enjoy his music.

Reid closed his eyes again and rested his head on his hand, steadying his breathing. 

He started thinking back on the case, how grisly it was. Flashes of the murder scenes played in his mind on a loop for what seemed like hours. His heart pounded in his chest and he whimpered, turning and curling up in the chair, trying to comfort himself.

A hand on his arm jolted him awake, and he screamed. He snapped his eyes open and screamed. He looked up to see everyone gathered around him, concerned.

"Spence, are you alright?" JJ asked softly. Reid shook his head. As he came to, he realized something unusual: there was a wet spot on his pants. In his fright, he had peed himself.

Reid got up and ran to the bathroom, his red face streaked with tears.

"Reid!" Prentiss called after him, trying to follow him, but Rossi held her back.

"Give him space, Emily. That must've been really hard to go through, especially for him." He said gently. Emily nodded sadly and went to sit again, as did the rest of the team.


Reid sniffled and shuffled slowly out of the bathroom, the spot on his pants now less wet. He pulled his vest down as far ad he could and was about to sit when Hotch stopped him. He held out o pair of pants and boxers, and Reid took them.

"Go change. We'll see you in a minute." The man said.

"Thank you." Reid whispered, hurrying back to the bathroom to get out of the old clothes.

When he was changed, Reid left the bathroom and looked down at the armchair. There was a towel on it, pitifully absorbing the urine. Reid's face heated up again, knowing that he had caused it.

"It's okay, kid. Accidents happen." Morgan said gently and quietly, wrapping Reid in a tight hug. The young doctor started crying again, this time into Morgan's shoulder. Morgan shushed him softly and rubbed his back a few times, trying to calm him.

When Reid was able to settle down, Morgan hugged him a bit longer, letting Reid decide when the hug would end. Reid pulled away from Morgan, and the other lowered his arms. The two watched as the plane landed, coming to a stop. 

"Okay kid, let's get you home." Morgan said, exiting the plane with the others. Reid grabbed his stuff and followed Morgan to his car.

"I don't want to-" Reid started, but Morgan waved his hand.

"I'll stay the night with you at yours, and then we'll drive here together tomorrow." Morgan said. Reid smiled, and slid into the passenger seat, shutting the door. Morgan slid into the drivers side and started the car, heading to Reid's place.

When they arrived, the two left the car and went inside, putting their bags down on the couch.

"Wanna order in?" Morgan asked. Reid slowly shook his head, biting his lip. His stomach growled, but he didn't think he could keep anything down. Morgan looked back at him, eyebrows raised, but said nothing. "Alright. Anything around the kitchen?" He added, walking into the kitchen and looking into the pantry. It was pretty empty, except for some cereal and chips.

"I think I have some frozen pizza." Reid muttered, opening the freezer. One box of frozen pepperoni pizza was in the icebox, along with a carton of chocolate ice cream. However, there was no shortage of coffee.

"Kid, you gotta eat more. Instant oatmeal, ramen noodles, an apple... anything." Morgan said. He was worried for Reid's health, seeing as how little he ate.

"I know. Listen, I'm gonna go to bed. You can sleep in the guest room if you want, there's more space. Goodnight." Reid said, shuffling off to his bedroom.

Morgan sighed. He really did have his hands full with that boy. He sighed again and took the damp clothes from earlier, throwing them in the wash. He started the machine and went to wash his hands.

As he was getting ready to go to sleep, he heard whimpering from Reid's room. He crept down the hall and peeked inside, knocking gently.

There was Reid, curled in the fetal position, clutching a teddy bear. He's face was scared, and he was crying. Morgan carefully approached the bed and sat on it, brushing the hair out of Reid's face. He reached behind the doctor and rubbed his back soothingly, alleviating the boy's fear.

Reid smiled in his sleep and curled up more tightly, hugging the teddy bear closer. Morgan smiled and patted Reid's shoulder before standing and leaving the room, shutting the door.


Reid woke up and slowly came out of his sleepy haze, sitting up and stretching. He looked down in horror as he realized that he had wet the bed again. He cringed and stood, balling up the wet sheets. He ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower, hoping Morgan was still asleep.

When he was clean, Reid wrapped himself in a towel and left the bathroom, wet pajama pants in hand. He put them with the sheets and made his way to the laundry room, opening the washer. He was surprised to find his other clothes in there already: it must've been Morgan. Reid smiled a bit and quickly crammed the laundry into the machine, closing it and adding detergent and fabric softener.

Reid headed to the kitchen, where Morgan was already brewing a fresh pot of coffee.

"Morning, pretty boy. Sleep okay?" Morgan asked. Reid nodded silently and went to the coffee pot. Morgan patted hus shoulder and ruffled his hair. "Are you feeling alright after what happened?" Morgan added.

"Not really. Please don't say anything to the others." Reid begged.

"They already know." Morgan said, confused. Reid's heart skipped a beat.

"No, I-" he stammered. Morgan looked at him with gentle eyes.

"It happened again?" He asked. Reid nodded, his face burning. Morgan hugged him again.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." Morgan said, arm wrapped around Reid's shoulders. Reid sniffled.

"Thanks." He said. He poured himself a nice cup of coffee and took a couple sips before setting it down again.

"Reid, there's something I wanna try, if you're okay with it." Morgan said slowly. Reid looked over at him, urging him to go on. "I found it last night. It's called-" Morgan said, leading his throat. "It's called age regression." He said.

Reid looked confused. "What is that?" He asked, his eyes wide. Morgan breathed deeply before going on.

"It's where someone acts, and is usually treated, younger than they are. Sometimes it's voluntary, sometimes it's involuntary. It's usually used to help stress." Morgan explained.

"Sounds interesting." Reid said.

"Are you up to try it?" Morgan asked, trying to figure out what his friend would say.

"If it'll help me, yeah." Reid decided. Morgan smiled.

"Okay kid. I'll come over later tonight. I gotta buy some stuff for you, but it shouldn't take long." Morgan said. Reid looked suddenly nervous, and Morgan patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry, we'll start off slow." He added.

"I trust you." Reid said. Morgan smiled and the two went to the car, setting off to work.

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