Undyne x Captain! Reader

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Mermaid AU

"One day while in harbour, you hope to bargain for something a fortune. However, during the time in port, you happen across a unique treasure waiting to be bought."

As you watched your ship pull into port, you're eyes continued to wander all over the dock and harbour as men wondered about. Boxes, crates and barrels alike were moved about, some heading inside the stores or shops or carts for far away. Others were being meant for ships that would leave before evening and deliver them to places far away. All kinds of goods of all shapes and sizes, with colours, were brought about.

Turning away, you watched as your own crew made their way below deck and began bringing up the cargo you had brought over. Cargoes of all shapes and sizes were brought from down below and were lifted onto the dock by the ship's makeshift crane arm.

You spent the early morning hours, with your crew, unloading the ship until eventually much of the cargo was unloaded and you joined your crew in delivering the order cargo, while the rest you sold away.

As the dock began to clear up, you noticed a nearby group of sailors and officers alike huddle around a pole near the beginning of the dock. It had a large board attach where papers and documents, along with announcements were bolted for all eyes to see.

Wondering over to the group, you pushed your way until you got in good distance to see what was up. You're eyes widen once you caught sight of what this month's wanted poster was, and it turned out to be for a mermaid. This was a rare day.

From time to time, rare beasts were brought in and sold off the "black market" for very high prices. Today was one of those, and this time it was a mermaid. One which was more unique than most that were brought in. This one was apparently, what appeared to have been in a fight by the looks of it, as she had a couple of scars including one across the right eye, and left cheek. She seemed to have a fair set of abs, with strong arms alongside fiery red hair which was in a ponytail. She appeared to be some sorta humanoid shark or Parana fish due to her sharp teeth and yellow eyes and wore a pair of seashells that covered her breasts while the rest of her body was made of a tail of a typical mermaid.

Quite honestly, she was a rather fine sight for the eyes, if you were being honest. And apparently, many of the lads, captains and crew around you thought so too as many were giving off lewd or perverted comments about the poor gal, and what they'd do to her if they got their hands on her. It disgusted you honestly, watching this poor creature be taken from her home and used as an attraction for the perverted men and women alike. Turning away, you're eyes landed on the listing revealing where the official action would happen and when.

Taking a moment to think things over, you grinned to yourself before running back off to your ship. Once there you raced to your cabin and quickly searched for your secret stash of money/gold/


Undyne could feel the eyes on her as the cart rattled and shook, she being bounced around as it moved through the town away from the harbour and ship of capture, near the docking office. There, where ship captains and businessmen went to for bargaining or buying rare or unique items. As she was pulled along inside her glass prison, she stared out and watched as the normal townspeople watched her pass by with either curious, hateful or weirded eyes. To this, Undyne glared and bared her teeth, but mostly she turned away and covered her face. She began shaking her head, struggling not to even cry as she felt so sick. Homesick. Afraid. Alone...

Alone, and treated like a loner in a freak world. But she wouldn't show it, she would stay strong. She would escape. She just needed the right time. With that thought in mind, she nodded firmly to herself and closed her eyes, slowly breathing and waiting for them to arrive at their final destination.

(A While Later)

Once inside, Undyne was placed in the glass case on a stage. She floated alone, silent and idol as she watched several captains and sailors alike wander on in. Some stared at her while others simply took their seats. Son, the whole room was filled with the chatter of sailors and workmen, businessmen and beggars. Eventually, the man running this event came in, dressed in some of the finest clothes and attire for this time. He just had a full aura of demand and wealth that radiated off him.

Watching from inside the glass prison, Undyne watched the man lift a Gallet into the air before slamming it back down which caused everyone to quiet down and soon everyone's was looking towards the man. He began to speak, thought Undyne could only hear muffles due to the glass that surrounded her from all sides. Eventually, she watched as the man wrote something down on a tall board beside him. He wrote a few things down, from the date to her own age, type and finally, price.

As she watched on, several men and women raised their hands into the air, calling out how much they could pay. Different amounts, from 300 silver and 20 gold, up to 2,000 bronze, 4,1000 silver, and 400 gold. It was becoming a mess, honestly. And Undyne hated it, as all the noise was hurting her ears. This caused her to turn away, and huddle up into herself as she used her hands to block all the sounds from her ears.

Just as they went on, eventually she heard a loud crash, followed by shouts of anger and cursing. Turning around she saw the whole room filled with fights all over. Tables and chairs were either flipped or tossed about, while men fought men and women fighting women. This caused Undyne to raise a brow in confusion. 'What just happened?' She thought quietly, meanwhile, the one leading the selling was soon forced offstage as a chair went flying his way.

Suddenly, Undyne could feel her glass chamber begin moving. Turning around, she only caught a quick glimpse of whoever it was until all around her went black. She soon came to realize it was a blanket or cover of some kind, and she couldn't see or tell where she was or what was happening. Instead, she could only feel herself being moved and wait to see what happened, which was starting to get her nervous.

(During this)

You carefully, with your shipmates, pulled the cart with the: heavy" load away and towards the dock and ship. Eventually, you and your men managed to carry the heavy cart and glass prison onto the loading dock before then quickly lifting it up with a nearby crane onto your ship. Once it was, you and your crew hurried onboard and quickly set off. "Let's go! Let's GO!!! I'll hand son deck!!!" You shouted, watching as your crew rushed about and prepared to sail.

Eventually, your ship was out of port and was heading out to sea. Was the ship was almost completely out of sight, you made your way down below and into the cargo hold of the ship. Once there, you watched as the cargo gently swayed with the ship as the creaking of wood could be heard. You walked over towards the one thing you were curious about, however, and that was the tall glass prison which was still covered in a brown tarp and was near the middle of the room.

Stepping close to it, the sounds of the water within swayed and this caused you to look over to ensure it was broken or shattered glass. After finding everything was fine, however, you reached a hand and yanked the whole tarp off before tossing it aside. Once off, you could see the poor creature now completely. She seemed to be sleeping actually, as she had her only eye closed and was laying her head on her hands as her tail gently swayed below her. You felt a smile tug at your lips as you watched your new passenger sleep peacefully. You reached for the tarp again and placed it back over before writing something down on a piece of paper and placing it on the outside of the glass and tarp. It said; "Do not disturb unless under Captains Order's". But you trusted your crew enough not to do anything without permission, it was just the way they trusted you and their own judgement.

Turning away, you were careful not to make much noise as you made your way back on deck and closed the hatch which leads into the cargo hold. It would be a long trip, but you were determined to get this poor creature home.

"Next stop... Waterfall Isle." You said quietly to yourself, your eyes focused down on a map which should be the islands you were currently close to and several other places.

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